I’ve been on quite a few forums, and even owned and ran one for some years and have come to the opinion that it usually revolves around the typewritten word rather than the person. Let’s face it; the typewritten word can be somewhat impersonal as it can, at times, be difficult to convey the proper feeling and intent of what is being said without eye contact and being face to face with someone on a one to one basis.
That would be why I disagree with what jefff posted:‘The majority of us don't know each other and if we did many of us wouldn't like each other’. I’m quite confident that if some of the argumentative posts/threads that occasionally rise up here would in no way evolve into verbal fisticuffs if those same people (me included) were sharing the same discussion around a table with a few drinks and a bowl.
However, if such an occurrence should happen while being together over a few drinks you at least then have the option of kicking the other person in the balls, turning your back and walking out which, when I was younger, would be option 3 Respond with a short, reasoned answer. :wink: