I stopped smoking indoors when my first child was born nearly forty years ago. Now, I prefer smoking outside. Among other things, I don't like the smell of stale tobacco. I usually wear a smoking jacket when I smoke because I don't want my clothes to smell. When I smoke in my garage, I open the door afterwards to air it out.
When I did smoke inside, I remember that the walls, furniture, etc., in my house were always being covered in an unpleasant, oily film. I wouldn't want to go back to having to deal with that again.
I often wonder if people who do smoke in their house realize how bad it smells to non-smokers. There are number of a reasons why our society turned against smoking, and one of them is that most smokers often disrespected non-smokers' right to live smoke free. Unfortunately, some still do.
When I did smoke inside, I remember that the walls, furniture, etc., in my house were always being covered in an unpleasant, oily film. I wouldn't want to go back to having to deal with that again.
I often wonder if people who do smoke in their house realize how bad it smells to non-smokers. There are number of a reasons why our society turned against smoking, and one of them is that most smokers often disrespected non-smokers' right to live smoke free. Unfortunately, some still do.