I personally don't play into this idea that nicotine drives pipe smoking...there are far easier (and cheaper) ways of getting a nicotine fix than by purchasing tobacco, purchasing a pipe, purchasing a lighter, loading a pipe, cleaning a pipe, storing a pipe, etc., etc.
I was raised around pipes; I see tintypes of ancestors that my sister found (she's tracked the family history in NC back to 1793) back from the civil war and they are all in the picture smoking a pipe. My great grandfather smoked a pipe, my grandfather smoked a pipe and so did my father. Do I appreciate the nicotine boost? For sure, but it's really the whole package that I enjoy and gets me smoking probably 4 (or so) bowls a day.
If all I wanted was a nicotine boost, I'd either just pop a cigarette in my mouth, chew gum or attach a patch.