2 years 3 months since buying my first clay pipe.
I only smoke clays and have only smoked a non-clay pipe twice, both with Clan.
I like the sense of history attached to smoking a clay and it was seeing re-enactors smoking them that made me want to smoke a clay (at events).
My favourite pipe tobacco is Gawith Hoggarth Cherry Vanilla; I'll be smoking some at re-enactments when the pandemic has passed.
I'd like to spend a weekend with the Earl of Manchester's regiment (Sealed Knot) and will be smoking clay pipes then.
I'm also thinking of taking part in clay pipe smoking competitions and would like to wear my redcoat uniform for this!
I have a large clay pipe I got from
@tozert and have tried smoking it but couldn't get it lit; I'd need a blowtorch to light it properly!
I'd like to fill it and see how long I can keep it burning; it would be a good pipe to smoke while I'm working outdoors or when I go out for a drink!
The longest I've ever made a clay pipe full of tobacco last is 24 minuted; I've never managed it again!