I also enjoy Turkish coffee and have the small pot for the boiling ritual. This is usually saved for special occasions since I'm lazy when it some to certain things and drink a lot of coffee.During the weekends I enjoy Turkish style, brewed in a copper pot over fire.
Haha yes he does well in that roll. Great movie too by the way. He’s also pretty charming as Roscoe Brown in “Lonesome Dove”More and more, I'm starting to like my coffee the same way Ed Corbin's character, "Uncle Ellis" in the movie, "No Country for Old Men," liked his. A several day old pot of black coffee -- room temp and surrounded by cats on the countertop. With cat hair or not--like they told me when we got our German Shepherds--"it's just protein." F#@$k the venties and ...lados and all that shit! Sorry to be subtle.