How do Others View your Pipe Smoking?

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May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
All my kids grew up around cigars first and then my pipes for 20 plus years. They tolerate it because they know it is one of my great joys in life. My mom tolerates my pipes the best because her father smoked a pipe her whole life. I have special aromatics for when mom comes over. She really likes either Sutliff Molto Dolce or Cult Blood Red Moon. I have special pipes for both blends and I honestly enjoy smoking them especially because she enjoys the aroma so much.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
That's probably more to do with soaring costs of cigarettes and smokers looking for less expensive options.
oh and people knowing that other forms of tobacco aren't as dangerous. Also they have a classier image as well. And anyone that disagrees about pipes or cigars being healthier then cigs, I just have to say I smoke pipes regularly and don't have any of the issues cig smokers have including myself when I used to smoke those things. Issues like lungs aching when running, getting out of breath with physical exertion, Chronic coughing that sounds terrible, and even skin that looks ten years older then the person it's on. Those could all be reasons. Also aside from Nat Shermans I never had anyone stop to ask questions of interest about my cigs. Where as pipes people find them interesting.
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Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
Generally are quite positive when in public:
"You're just like a grandpa puffing away"
"That's interesting. My grandfather used to smoke those."
"Oh, that's old fashion."
Only sometimes I got those types:
"I don't think you should smoke." to which I replied "I don't remember asking for your opinion."
I keep waiting for the last one. The closest I got to that was a little kid asking me why I smoke. I replied "because I am stupid". Didn't feel right saying what I would to an adult, which is go look up all the many health studies and all that stuff.
But I keep waiting for the last one, so I can point out all the things they're doing that are worse for them then passing by a smoker. Things like jogging near a busy road. Yeah oh my gosh car exhaust is worse for you then passing by a smoker. When I smoked cigarettes and people tried to lecture me about my health, I'd either act surprised and be like you're sure cigarettes are bad. Or if they're really douchy I'd tell them not mind their own business is dangerous and can lead to broken bones and concussions. Again reserved for the really douchy, the kind of person that makes you wonder why aggravated assault is always illegal.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
I never get that. Too many smokers here to find one or the other terribly interesting enough to comment on.
o.k. so what's the trade off? Lots of snakes that don't belong in the area? Almost no jobs? Tons of meth? A tribe of orangutans that escaped from the zoo and make a living mugging people? I mean there has to be a trade off what is it?? :)
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Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
o.k. so what's the trade off? Lots of snakes that don't belong in the area? Almost no jobs? Tons of meth? A tribe of orangutans that escaped from the zoo and make a living mugging people? I mean there has to be a trade off what is it?? :)
Why would there be a trade off?


Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 30, 2017
People never gave me a problem, but the dogs! Oh my! It wasn't uncommon in the course of a leisurely walk to pick up a half-dozen. Pipe smoke incited them to untoward behavior and various vocalizations dominated by howling. I had to sit down to prevent the several who loved dry-humping. If I wanted to get home I had to buy them off by trailing yummies in the reverse direction.
Never had quite that reaction from dogs but I do get some reaction:

Hairdresser has a place at ground floor in our apartment block. His dog will bark at any dog that has the temerity to walk past their front door and then - if I'm standing outside (on the street) smoking - will stand there sniffing the air with a very puzzled expression on its face.

Several dogs walking past on leads swivel their heads to keep watching me as they walk past with a similar "what is it, looks human but doesn't smell like one" look on their faces.

One local street dog walked past me; stopped, turned around, sniffed the air and then came back and just stood in front of me and stood there watching me for a couple of minutes before going off again. He's a regular visitor to these parts and now pretty much ignores me.


Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 30, 2017
I think it's fair to say in my part of São Paulo smokers are viewed as a bit eccentric, probably with good reason. Apart from me who is often to be seen wearing a western hat, a fedora, an Irish patchwork tweed cap or - as it's winter - a London Irish woollie bobble hat, there is a guy who most times I've seen him is dressed as Super Mario (nope, I have no idea why) and a local tramp who smokes a corncob.

But you will see a lot of cigarette smokers here and the occasional cigar smoker too; and at least one local street kiosk sells cheap unbranded pipes so smoking is not considered particularly unusual or anti-social in these parts. Heck walk past one of the hospitals (there are 9 within 3km of me!) and you will always find a group of hospital staff (medical and non-medical) loitering outside smoking.


Jul 21, 2020
Wife is more than accepting; her cousin became "jealous" when I took up the pipe last year as "it smells so good!" and she wishes her husband "would smoke a pipe, instead of those cheap, nasty cigars."

I've rarely come across anti-smokers in the wild as I try to avoid normal people. When one does get up the gumption to tell me why I shouldn't be smoking, I invariably tell them the same thing: "I'll quit smoking when you start." Works a charm every single time.
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Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 30, 2017
I think it's fair to say in my part of São Paulo smokers are viewed as a bit eccentric, probably with good reason. Apart from me who is often to be seen wearing a western hat, a fedora, an Irish patchwork tweed cap or - as it's winter - a London Irish woollie bobble hat, there is a guy who most times I've seen him is dressed as Super Mario (nope, I have no idea why) and a local tramp who smokes a corncob.

But you will see a lot of cigarette smokers here and the occasional cigar smoker too; and at least one local street kiosk sells cheap unbranded pipes so smoking is not considered particularly unusual or anti-social in these parts. Heck walk past one of the hospitals (there are 9 within 3km of me!) and you will always find a group of hospital staff (medical and non-medical) loitering outside smoking.
The first sentence should of course read

I think it's fair to say in my part of São Paulo pipe smokers are viewed as a bit eccentric...
Jan 27, 2020
'97 in Paris. I was smoking in the restaurants I went to. By that time, smoking was already banned in restaurants here. It felt good. Good food, good wine, after meal cigarette.. To bad their beer suck.

David Hockney moved to France in part so he could smoke in restaurants etc.

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