Being a newcomer to the pastime I can’t help but feel anxious and a developing sense of urgency regarding access and expense. Anyone with experience or historical knowledge have any insight?
Americans need to be right concerned.
Nanny State Australia is the best example of how governments [on both 'sides' of politics] will treat smokers with utter contempt given the chance.
A 50g tin is now around $125. I shit you not.
The high taxes are simply a cash grab. has sent out an email urging pipe and cigar smokers to contact their congressman and Senator to vote no to the proposed 2100% tax increase [Politicians do pay attention when they receive letters and emails from enough angry constituents]
Pipes and Cigars have a link to find your representatives.
Every American smoker needs to do this now because once implemented no amount of whinging will reverse the treachery against citizens.
I've been advising Americans since finding pipe forums to stock up on as much tobacco as one can afford while tobacco is so reasonably priced.
Storing tobacco is an investment. Should shit ever hit the fan, tobacco would be a valuable trade item.
Prices will only ever go up.
Tobacco, properly stored, will keep for decades.
Many blends improve with age.
Unless money is not an issue, forget about tins and buy by the pound.
Don't buy quantity according to what will satisfy your lifetime requirements but rather think of friends and future smokers [Think of the kiddies]
Don't worry too much about ordering 'too much' of one blend. You'll always be able to swap blends with members here. At this point, quantity is way more important than any other consideration because once it's 50c a gram, any tobacco is better than no tobacco.
Believe me; at $125 for 50g, I'd be content to smoke OTC blends if I could buy them at present U.S. prices.