How Concerned should Americans be about the Proposed Tax Hike?

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Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Government over reach is out of control right now.
So, here we go, happily down the rabbit hole. I'll play along.

It's one person's "truth". Many others do not see a government out of controln witness the last election. In fact many people are quite happy with the current direction. Again, it's simply one's perspective, a personal political slant certainly open for debate.

Servant King

Geriatric Millennial
Nov 27, 2020
Frazier Park, CA
I always hold my tongue on these kinds of threads, but since I don't know how to pick a lock, I'll just get this one in real quick before you know what...

Governments are not what any of you think they are. They are just for-profit business entities. That's it, nothing else. Period! They exist to collect revenue, and do whatever is necessary to obtain it, even if it means walking the legal line on its edge. E pluribus unum; this is what you get! Hmmm...didn't the first commandment say something about not having any other gods before Him? Oops, we goofed!

By the way, that same book also says something about not being conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. I'd say that's long overdue, don't ya think?

Servant King

Geriatric Millennial
Nov 27, 2020
Frazier Park, CA
I couldn't find an image of a pipe tobacco or cigar store being looted but if all this foolishness passes it could be enough to push people over the edge. Very unlikely as I know we are all gentlemen of course lol
Totally. If you look past the carton of cigs and squint really hard, you can see the tin of And So To Bed in there with the rest of the loot. That's why the other guy is looking at him that way. He's about to say: "Dude, can you spare some of that Eso goodness? Just two bowls' worth, that's all! I'm normally an aro smoker, but I've totally been expanding my tastes with the quarantine and all. I want to dabble in English blends, but I just know my wife's gonna hate those lat bombs, so I take it any Four Aces in there?"

Am I way off?

That Guy

Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 8, 2021
Central Florida
Totally. If you look past the carton of cigs and squint really hard, you can see the tin of And So To Bed in there with the rest of the loot. That's why the other guy is looking at him that way. He's about to say: "Dude, can you spare some of that Eso goodness? Just two bowls' worth, that's all! I'm normally an aro smoker, but I've totally been expanding my tastes with the quarantine and all. I want to dabble in English blends, but I just know my wife's gonna hate those lat bombs, so I take it any Four Aces in there?"

Am I way off?
But hey at least they are wearing their mask for everyones safety right?

Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
The first Mormons taught that the original Garden of Eden was in Missouri, and although I’m a Christian (only) I do tend to agree with the Mormons about Missouri being the right state, only Joesph Smith was about a hundred and fifty miles too far North on pin pointing the exact spot.

In the entire civilized world, Missouri taxes cigarettes the least.

The federal tax on cigarettes is now a dollar and Missouri adds 17 cents a pack.

So the convenience stores offer Burley brand cigarettes, made in Oklahoma, at about $2.50 a pack. Marlboros are about $5 a pack.

In Missouri the tax on all other tobacco products besides cigarettes is:
Other tobacco products are taxed at a rate of 10 percent of the manufacturer's invoice price before discounts and deals.

The federal pipe tobacco tax is now $2.88 a pound, which is 18 cents an ounce.

There’s hardly any profit in selling tobacco at a gas station or liquor store. The manufacturers essentially pay you to sell it, by giving rebates.

The federal cigarette tobacco tax is currently $26 a pound. This was done by the huge tobacco companies by their paid hirelings in Congress in 2009, because two pounds of true cigarette tobacco will roll about 900 cigarettes, at one gram per roll your own, and that actually puts the roll your own smoker at a slight tax penalty, compared to factory cigarettes.

My son buys Gambler Gold pipe tobacco and rolls his own cigarettes using Bugler standard papers. His cost is 60 cents a pack. The tobacco is $12 a pound, the papers cost $60 for five thousand, and he buys eight pounds of Gambler to roll 5,000 cigarettes. His total cost is $180 for 5,000 cigarettes, and they are delicious.

The federal tax on 5,000 cigarettes today is $250. Those huge cigarette companies, in league with do gooders against tobacco, are aiming the pipe tobacco increase at roll your own cigarette smokers.

My son might buy a pound of Gambler at a time, for maybe $75, and still roll his own.

But more likely he’ll start buying $4 a pack cheap cigarettes.

Where putting true pipe tobacco in the same tax bracket as tax beater pipe tobacco (which is what all those cheap pipe tobaccos really are) is certain to hurt us this.

I still see, and occasionally buy an ounce and a half package of value brand or Prince Albert pipe tobacco for $3.

The current federal tax on that pack is a negligible 27 cents and Missouri taxes about the same, or let’s say fifty cents.

A federal tax of nearly five dollars will raise the 10% Missouri tax to nearly a dollar because that $3 pack of real pipe tobacco will nearly have to sell for $10.

The customers will more than likely buy a couple of packs of cheap cigarettes.

Even today, those little two ounce cans of luxury pipe tobacco are $12 to $15.

It won’t hurt them nearly as bad, if they wind up $20 to $25, by percentage increase.

I’m stocking up again on value brand aromatics.

My wife puts out a big garden, even has a greenhouse.

There’s a point where a feller might be able to raise his own smokes, you know?


Might Stick Around
Feb 14, 2021
South Florida
I don't know if "concern" is the word I would use anymore. The tax hike is an inevitability. I went through it before with rolling tobacco when congress hiked the tax up over %1000. Back then I was poor and that hurt me tremendously. Tremendously. Nowadays I am not quite as poor, so I am not too concerned. I heard that the tax increase was in the infrastructure bill. To hell with these people.

I resent the government. I am also now in the bargaining stage of acceptance. I will pay whatever cost as long as they do not limit my access. Take my money, let me get the tobacco I want, and leave me the fuck alone already.


Aug 24, 2019
Black Market?
Middle Eastern migrants import and distribute loose tobacco known as chop-chop.
The quality was rather good for more than a few years but it's now rather poor. [RYO smokers mix the poor quality chop-chop 50/50 with commercial baccy like Drum or White Ox]

Asian brands of tailor made cigs can be found in places like Chinatown or Vietnamatta for roughly half price of taxed cigs.

Many have made a fortune from the tobacco black market.
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Oct 12, 2019
Florida Panhandle
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