H.R. 2339

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Jan 31, 2011
In Washington State the short answer is no, not at al.
in spite of legal roadblocks to all but face to face sales, variety and availability continue to decrease at a local retail level.

That's exactly what I would have expected at the local level, for the simple reason that it's just too small a percentage of the population who have any interest in these "premium" pipe tobacco blends.

Whereas if you're an on-line store you're able to sell to that small percentage on the national, and even global level.


Jan 31, 2011
I'll be dissapointed if online sales become banned. But I can always find Carter Hall in the local stores around here. I'd survive.

And maybe more shops will open up then if this is the case.

They'll be comin' for your Carter Hall too eventually. Surely you realize there's never any end to it...they will never be satisfied. It's a big mistake to think you can ever compromise with such creatures...the control addiction is insatiable and relentless.


Can't Leave
Oct 8, 2017
Ah worse case scenario you do what us Canadians do - road trip! Just long enough to stock up until the next we are south of the boarder lol I’d you doubt this look at the amount of Canadian plates in Florida. We will drive 2.5 days no issue for heat, cheap food, and tobacco/alcohol lol


Jun 3, 2015
Given the bill is 99% sponsored by Democrats only I don't believe it will make it out of the Senate. I doubt Mitch McConnell will bring it up for a vote anytime soon, if ever.
Mitch McConnell can’t be trusted. Although, If he never brings it up for a vote, it may be out of spite rather than refusing a hand out to the fake suburban Mommy myth.

Logically think about this, Can you buy cigarettes online? Nope. Then why would you be able to buy cigars and pipe tobacco? This issue has gone under the radar for to long. I’m afraid it’s Time to open A B&M, and for SmokingPipes to get ready for the Bandit, Damit!
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Jun 3, 2015
I guess it all depends on the current mood then. Now that the circus is over, maybe they wanna go through the charade of bridging the gap and being friends again.
What happened in the house will go down as one of the most authoritative moves in our nation’s history. But yea, very little virtue left in politicians, they all sleep together in the end.


Jun 3, 2015
Very true. #MeToo! They all have acquired a few skeletons, I’m sure.
Circus and theater are good words.

Theater because the vast majority of what goes on publicly in D.C. is theater...a show for the masses.

And circus because most of the performers are clowns and freaks.

There is still plenty of "bipartisanship" when it comes to the truly significant issues. It's all calculated in advance and certain performers are allowed to take certain positions on things in order to keep up appearances.

But nothing that really matters is left to chance. And whenever it's necessary, most of those clowns can be controlled by all the dirt their masters have on them.

Does this particular tobacco bill really matter? I wouldn't think so in the bigger scheme of things...but eventually it will happen.

For the time being at least it is encouraging to know it's actually not a bipartisan thing.
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Dec 9, 2018
This is awful.
This law would immediately kill pipe smoking but it will not affect vaping by anything.
Kids buy F2F as most of them don't have credit cards or bank account. They can't buy online.

This is so sad and frustrating, also I don't think it will not pass senate, everybody like to look good kicking those bad smoking guys... :cry:
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Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 24, 2019
Update: the House Committee on a Rules agreed yesterday on the rules of debate for consideration of the bill In the full House.

House - 02/26/2020 Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 866 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 2339 with 1 hour and 30 minutes of general debate. Motion to recommit with or without instructions allowed. (All Actions)

Track at H.R.2339 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Reversing the Youth Tobacco Epidemic Act of 2019 - https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/2339
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Oct 7, 2016
Logically think about this, Can you buy cigarettes online? Nope. Then why would you be able to buy cigars and pipe tobacco? This issue has gone under the radar for to long.

It also does not help at all that part of the “industry” is actively opposed to online sales, namely the Bric and Mortar part of the retail channel. If you spend some time researching this issue, and look in the archives of publications like Tobacco Business Magazine, Half Wheel, Cigar Afficianodo, Cigar Advisor, etc. you will see a picture of the cigar segment of the industry divided, with many major cigar makers pulling out of the previously sacrosanct annual Premium Cigar Association trade show coming up this year.

The fact that they changed the name of this organization already to exclude pipes walls you all you need to know about how they view pipe tobacco. And keep in mind that the portion of the industry with the most $ to spend on lobbying is cigarette makers, who could care less about an online sales ban

As far as senator MConnell is concerned, last year he introduced a Senate bill raising the legal age to purchase tobacco products to 21. It had an exemption for military personnel, so if you were 18 and had enlisted in the armed forces, you could still buy tobacco. When that bill emerged from a Conference Committee as part of a year end must pass larger bill, that exemption had disappeared without one word of explanation by anybody that I have seen. And it was signed into law.
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Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 24, 2019
Regarding my previous post, H. Res. 866 is on today’s House calendar.

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Feb 21, 2013
I hope my local independent pipe shop sells out their tobacco in the excitement, and then the bill fails. My proprietor friend could use a boost. Lemme see, I think I'm set for six to ten years, and if I cut back to smoking four days a week ....
Jun 9, 2018
They'll be comin' for your Carter Hall too eventually. Surely you realize there's never any end to it...they will never be satisfied. It's a big mistake to think you can ever compromise with such creatures...the control addiction is insatiable and relentless.
First they came for the Clan and I did not speak out— Because Clan bit my tongue

Then they came for the Ennerdale and I did not speak out— Because Ennerdale smells like granny knickers

Then they came for the Gawith Black Twist and I did not speak out—Because it tasted like burnt cows & tyres

Then they came for The Carter Hall—and there was no one left to speak for me.☹️
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