Not pertinent for me yet but thanks. Still buying in tins so they're already sealed.Remove the cover and relabel and put bulk tobacco in them for quick access.
Not pertinent for me yet but thanks. Still buying in tins so they're already sealed.Remove the cover and relabel and put bulk tobacco in them for quick access.
Liking that idea of colored chalk / powder inside them!I keep about six of the small square tins to carry tobaccos from jars in. They fit easily into a sports jacket pocket or even the back pocket on some pants.
I used a bunch of the round ones to store screws and nuts of various sizes and labelled them with a sharpie on the sides so that I can easily find the size that I am looking for.
I believe it was woodsroad that suggested using them for skeet shooing, which could be made a tad more interesting of you filled them with different colored powdered chalks.
I keep one of each blend that I found an interesting design, and then I just toss the rest away.
But you didn't mention what use she had for them?I used to give my empties to my ex wife. She has plenty now so I just throw them out. I have no use for them and never have. They pile up quickly as I smoke mostly tinned tobacco. I have a cool Dunhill display unit that I used to keep empty tins in it but got bored and don't bother with it any more.
Now there's a couple of unique & practical ideas. Cool.I use round ones for outdoor ashtrays. Even stick a cork knocker in sometimes & keep the lid on when not in use.
I use some of the square ones like Mac Barens to carry a small bar of hand soap in my tool box in the truck. Comes in handy when outdoors camping or on a jobsite.
I have one in the console of my truck full of change & a couple of bills for paying tolls, etc. Easier to get to then getting into my pocket with seatbelt on.
I've often thought that if I just kept them all, I could build a shed out of them.Why not bolt them together for legs for a neat smoking table.
Not a bit. My town paid a bundle of moneys for our newest landfill, complete with a million dollars of liner. Once filled, the land will be sold to unsuspecting folk as home building lots. I'm helping to reduce property tax increases by creating land to be taxed. Not to mention the jobs created so the trash can be separated, compacted and buried. Then there are the jobs created so that the land can be reclaimed after years of poisons and such being buried. Not to mention the moneys claimed by lawyers from any settlements. Then ... there are the new homes to be built for the residents whose homes on the landfill have been condemned. Contractors, employees and of course the local government all benefit from the care and concern exhibited by me and many other residents who participated, years earlier, in creating the landfill. It's a win-win for all concerned. Even environmentalists gain as they have something to do with their time, walking back and forth with their signs.So you're wasting trash .....