Not a bit. My town paid a bundle of moneys for our newest landfill, complete with a million dollars of liner. Once filled, the land will be sold to unsuspecting folk as home building lots. I'm helping to reduce property tax increases by creating land to be taxed. Not to mention the jobs created so the trash can be separated, compacted and buried. Then there are the jobs created so that the land can be reclaimed after years of poisons and such being buried. Not to mention the moneys claimed by lawyers from any settlements. Then ... there are the new homes to be built for the residents whose homes on the landfill have been condemned. Contractors, employees and of course the local government all benefit from the care and concern exhibited by me and many other residents who participated, years earlier, in creating the landfill. It's a win-win for all concerned. Even environmentalists gain as they have something to do with their time, walking back and forth with their signs.