Thank you for the link. I am glad the jars are labeled with names. It doesn't look like many folks gave this one favorable reviews. I did enjoy it though. The next day I smoked a different one and I think it was called autumn evening? I should google that one too and see what I can learn about it.
Although I do read many of the opinions at TobaccoReviews, there's one reviewer that I pay particular attention to; JimInks who gives one a very good idea of what to expect.
Jim gives Fox and Hound 3/4 stars.
Fox and Hound sounds like a blend I'd rather like - a nice mix of Burley, Virginia, Perique, Turkish/Oriental and Latakia with a light topping [Another mild 'crossover' blend you might like to try is Count Pulaski]
Poor reviews from others I take with a pinch of salt.
There's an element of snobbery in the pipe smoking community. Some pipe smokers who only smoke hard to get expensive blends look down on OTC and bulk blends.
Take Sutliff 1Q for example; a rather pleasant 'all day' type aromatic that's not the slightest bit goopy that some pipe smokers seem to hate with a vengeance.
Smoke what pleases you.
Take advantage of the bulk blends where one can order by the ounce.
Keep in mind that tastes change - I go through stages where I prefer non-aromatics then after I while I hanker for something a little sweeter. These days I like most genres and mix it up through the day - what you might not like today you might really enjoy down the road so just jar what doesn't immediately appeal and revisit later.