A pipe is a pipe is a pipe. Everything else is bloviated blather.
This right here is all I've been trying to say! An OK pipe but you're paying extra for the brand name.If you want to own a Dunhill, just to own a Dunhill, rock on. Just keep in mind that you're paying a premium for a stamp, which is a perfectly legitimate reason to buy one. It's just not reason enough for me.
That's the truth. But it's interesting that people pay more, for what is essentially the same thing, but dressed up. Pipes, cars, guns, televisions, fishing rods, boats, kitchen utensils, watches, stereo systems, computers, carpets, art, plants, hot tubs, food, travel, jewellery, clothing, bicycles, golf clubs, pens, tables, etc., etc.A pipe is a pipe is a pipe. Everything else is bloviated blather.
That's exactly the perception of value I'm talking about. You couldn't give me a $500 pistol. I simply have no use for it and the value that you would attach to it means absolutely nothing to me.There are no $100 pistols that perform like $500 pistols.
The difference here is that the $100 pistol will be drilled straighter.?absolutely.
however with most of those things you are going to get an upgrade besides just a name brand.
There are no $100 pistols that perform like $500 pistols.
LOL, true. I took to carrying a Kimber on duty, but in comparison not having a Dunhill might not make the difference between life or death.There are no $100 pistols that perform like $500 pistols.