cobguy, I do the same thing as you do, cube it and then let dry. It dries out faster that way for me. I make sure I cube plenty to fill a bowl and the leftovers get put back in the tin.
Finally cracked open the tin this weekend and... wow (referring to Peterson’s University Flake)! I wish I had tried this much earlier as I absolutely love it. Smoked three bowls with different pipes using a cube cut and rubbing it out. Each and every time I didn’t want the bowl to end. Seeing that I no longer smoke aro’s this is indeed a hard one to explain. If by chance someone gave me a bowl of this without me knowing what it was my first impression would be an aromatic, except that this tastes like tobacco instead of just some hot vapid air that merely smells nice while smoking it as most, if not all aromatics did for me.phil, give it a shot, it does have a unique flavor. You may have to let it sit and dry for half an hour to an hour or it might be fine out of the tin. I normally cube cut this blend or I will fold and stuff if I am outside smoking. Let us know if you like it.
Another one who has been awakened! Ya can’t knock something until you’ve tried it. I’d never give up my briars, but by the same token I would never give up my MM cobs either. Matter of fact, I just ordered two Mark Twain’s with my last tobacco purchase. Happy cob Kool-Aid... :wink:Ok after smoking my new three cobs almost exclusively I have broken them in nicely and I have to say I am impressed. Smoking them is so effortless and almost natural feeling. They provided a steady stream of cool dry smoke and I can smoke the whole bowl with only a few lights. I almost have to say I prefer the cob to my briar. I have drank the koolaid and enjoy its sweet flavor