Its hard to be prepared for emergency situations. I know that in a real panic situation, the pipes would end up getting left behind because I'm more concerned with getting loved ones to safety.
Now that its come up though, i plan on stashing a tin and a basket pipe into my normal BoB that I keep in the car for emergencies.
Looking at a lot of the prepper community and I understand why most folks don't take it seriously. The likelihood of a major scenario is very small, and entirely dependent on your area. I'm in Colorado, so no hurricanes, but in the event of something like Yellowstone going off, I'm sadly just close enough that I'd have time to light up before the supervolcano takes us out. And that's the most likely scenario for major disaster.
Barring that, I keep the essentials in the car for what I view as my most likely disaster. breakdowns or sliding off the road in the mountains. Something like that, the addition of my piping gear would do wonders to soothe the nerves while waiting the situation out, so its gonna get added in because I have the space.
Realistically, your best BoB is what you carry between your ears and in your pockets, so its usually the little tin of what i'm smoking as well as my 'pipe of the day' that rides around with me in the wallet tucked in my jacket. I've thought about getting a sort of hip bag (think more like a low hip holster rather than a fanny pack) that I can carry stuff in for whatever, be it notepaper and pens or my pipes and flask, but my jacket pockets do just fine for now.