Doomsday Pipe

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Jan 31, 2011
I live in the least criminal nation on the planet.
I hate to be the one to tell you, but rumor has it word has reached Sauron of the Ring being in the Shire.
Orcs are headed your way.



Jul 10, 2018
Las Vegas
I've watched various "prepper" shows and read a few articles. They all lead me to the conclusion that a large percentage of these people are nuts.
That being said, being prepared for a disaster is a good thing. (Zombie apocalypse, not so much.) I keep a locker in my Jeep, not as a BoB, but in case I have a mechanical failure and have to send the night out on the trail. A tent, basic med supplies, supplies to stay dry, stay warm, have a fire, and a few cans of corned beef hash, and a bottle of Scotch is all it really is. Coffee and a small percolator too, but that's another thread. I'll be adding a pipe and sealed tin to it now.
I also have a backpack that I take for day hikes at the ready as well as 2 firearms, a .38 revolver and a .22lr rifle. The revolver is actually for self defense in the event of a break-in at the house and for both 2 legged and 4 legged predators on the trail. The rifle is a Henry AR-7 with 200 rounds of ammo (4 x 50 round boxes). The whole rifle breaks down and fits into the stock which is then capable of floating if need be.
In the event of a home fire, it's family first, pets second, emergency kit third. The emergency kit is just an encrypted flash drive with personal data, some cash, and a spare credit card.

Jan 8, 2013
I hate to be the one to tell you, but rumor has it word has reached Sauron of the Ring being in the Shire.
Orcs are headed your way.
I don't have a bug out bag, but I've considered putting one together. I'm certainly not paranoid, and I'm certainly not a "survivalist." But one can never be too careful, or prepared just in case. We tend to think nothing is going to happen to me, nothing is going to happen here. We live in the most powerful nation on earth... we're safe. I'm sure most Americans felt that way on September 10, 2001. The following morning we had one hell of a wake up call. All these years later we're still feeling it's effects in one way or another. It's when we think, "It will never happen to us," when terrible things tend to happen. I'm not going to worry. I'm not going to stress. But I think I will get some things together "just in case." A few canned goods, can opener, small pan for cooking, first aid kit, Zippo lighter with fuel, flints, and wicks, a couple good knives, a couple changes of clothes, some paracord, a wide brim collapsible hat, and a couple firearms will likely be in my kit. I will, of course make room for a few tins and a couple pipes. If my life goes to hell, I'd like at least some kind of comfort.



Oct 10, 2013
I'm totally unprepared for anything. Nope, don't have any guns, ammo, food stores or tobacco cellar. That whole 911 thing? Where much of the east coast shut down for several days? A fluke. Can't ever happen again. Nope, don't come a knockin' when the balloon goes up. I got nothing.

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
You would be amazed what a little comfort does for the soul in an emergency. Like I said, not a priority, but with a little spare room, why not?
If it is a true emergency that actually requires using a bug out bag, there is no spare room. I agree with you sentiment but not with the likely reality were such a situation to come up. If something that serious does occur, I'm more likely to pull out some guns, load up my pipe and start puffing away in order that I may enjoy my remaining time on the planet and perhaps take a few scumbags with me before I go.



Jul 30, 2016
Vegas Baby!!!
I'm more likely to pull out some guns, load up my pipe and start puffing away in order that I may enjoy my remaining time on the planet and perhaps take a few scumbags with me before I go.
If that time comes, I'm definitely not going quietly or easily. I'll smoke more than my pipe.



Aug 9, 2018
Colorado Springs, CO
If it is a true emergency that actually requires using a bug out bag, there is no spare room.
I don't follow your logic here. A pipe and a tin of tobacco takes up effectively no volume in the context of a big backpack. If this were true, it would contradict the fact that every special forces member I've ever worked with somehow magically finds room for a couple cans of dip in amongst their ammo and medical supplies.
I'd say in a true emergency, there's no spare time. i.e. in a true emergency you wouldn't have time to grab a pipe on your way out. But after said emergency has passed, you might wish you had stowed the makings of a smoke before you had to hightail it.



Can't Leave
Sep 14, 2018
I can honestly say that once your in that position, You don't give a shit about any of you posessions, tobacco, etc.. When Harvey hit. The water started to enter the house at midnight. By 3 am there was a foot. By 4 am there was 3 foot. My doggos and family floated on a mattress until it got light enough to see. 3 hours of floating on a mattress in pitch blackness makes you re-evaluate. at 6 am family was in attic, I was standing in 5 ft of water when the boats finally came. My beer cellar, possessions. just didn't matter... My dogs did LOVE the ride out on the Zodiak!
at the end the water reached 5 1/2 feet inside my house. and im 6 feet above the street.



Mar 13, 2018
SC Piedmont
hundreds of guys whipping out their guns and running towards the shots
Yeah. I mean, seriously, That Is Just Stupid. You knooowww that most of those guys are useless posers don't know jack-spit about correct response to an active-shooter situation. To them it's just guns blazing, lay down a barrage, & believe everything comes out right. It's no wonder actual first-responders don't want those idjits anywhere within 100 miles of them. }:(



Nov 26, 2018
Lake Martin, AL
<p>I don't know about doomsday and I would bet no one else here does either but I can speak for the sand box and that's as close I hope I ever get again


Nov 26, 2018
Lake Martin, AL
<p>I don't know about doomsday and I would bet no one else here does either but I can speak for the sand box and that's as close I hope I ever get again


Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 27, 2018
Just from my experience, it's good to be prepared, but the most important tool you'll ever own is your wits. Make sure you keep them handy. I first left home when I was 15, rambling around on foot, hitch-hiking and riding freight trains all over America. I spent a lot of time in the woods and slept outside almost every night. Of course I did end up getting adopted by college girls, for a few nights, here and there, but I was pretty much outdoors 24/7 for about 8 or 9 years until I settled down (if you can call living in 6 different places in 5 years settled).
But anyway, as I criss-crossed the country several dozen times with my German Shepherd pup and everything I owned in my backpack, I learned a lot about what to carry when the weight of your belongings are always on your shoulders. I'll try to get it down correctly, but it's hard to make these kind of lists on the spot, as I'm always forgetting, remembering, and rearranging in my mind.
These are, in my opinion, and in order of importance, all quite necessary:
Waterproof Boots,

Socks (preferably wool),

Fire starting kit,

Sleeping bag (rated for 15F or lower),

Knife (preferably fixed blade),

More socks,

Tough pants/jeans and Jacket,

Rain poncho,

Wool sweater,

Long underwear (top and bottom),

Short underwear (top and bottom),


Fishing line and hooks,

More socks,




Stainless steel cooking pot,


Something to smoke tobacco in,






I may need to revise this later but as far as I remember now, that's all you really need. OF COURSE, if we're talking real-life doomsday situation when laws are no longer enforced, or if you're out in the woods away from civilization, you will also definitely want a rifle and ammunition. I found in my experience that when people see a scruffy looking guy walking down the highway with a gun on his back they generally call the police.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 27, 2018
But in any subject of speculation, I often find that when you take the future too seriously, you're liable to lose track of the present. If we aren't careful, we can end up missing out on what's real in preparation for the imaginary.

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