Doomsday Pipe

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Can't Leave
Sep 14, 2018
Okey Dokey Crash, Didn't mean to offend.
Maybe you would value material things more than me. Your are correct Sir, I should not have spoken for you.
I apologize.



Feb 28, 2013
Well, I was in that position when Hurricane Michael was heading for me. Loaded up the important papers, some clothes and all the McClelland bulk and tins that I owned put them in a large tub with garbage bags around them (3 layers to keep any water out), several bespoke pipes and meers which I put it all in the back of my truck and got the hell out of Florida as fast as I could. Wife and puppy with me and headed to Kentucky to relatives houses until it was over. Didn't figure my home would be there when I got back. Lord put His angels around my property (I prayed for that) and when I got back...only the tree I wanted gone was gone everything else intact.

Why the McClellands stash? Because today, it is money in the bank (so to speak).



Can't Leave
Sep 14, 2018
Glad you got out Pepe! We weren't given that opportunity.. They opened the dam at 11:00 pm and told no one..... If I had the chance yes , of course I would have grabbed stuff.. but as it was, AND I DONT SPEAK FOR ANYONE... Material possessions. didn't matter.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 13, 2017
Good thing I'm a Rambo wannabe...
I had my BOB ready in my car today.. and it's a good thing. Took me 5 hours to get 30 miles from work to my house with half the highway disintegrated.
We had a strong earthquake today, and I was lucky to get home this afternoon. Those who waited are still trying to get home. Some are waiting overnight in their cars and trucks.
I had a sleeping bag, sleeping pad, tent, some Snickers bars, water purification tablets, a firearm, and a 3 pouches of 5 brothers with my MM country gentleman.
I was content, and with the real possibility of walking the 30 miles home through mountainous terrain, I was ready and comfortable.
Several others after me are suffering a wait with little to no gas, no food, and no water (worst of all, no pipe and tobacco).
Call me a Rambo wannabe if you want, but I call myself "prepared"



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 13, 2017
I literally run the internet in my area. If i have power, and either the undersea fiber is intact or the satellites have synch, I have internet.



Apr 26, 2013
I think that preppers are pretty harmless, overall. They tend to keep to themselves and hoard stuff. I look to building up an emergency relief setup, but mostly for around the house. A couple generators, 100 gallons of water, food for a good while, etc. I have a family of 4 with dogs and the boys are teens.
In the Army I had a bugout bag. I left on short notice a couple times. A lot of times that trait is left over from one's time in the military and doesn't really make them kooks or crazy.
Though I intend to shelter in place should the SHTF, I can't really call people out for wanting to go mobile.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 13, 2017
The above post was pithy and arrogant on my part. I apologize for that.
While I am a Network Engineer for an ISP, it is not "my" internet. I am proud that "our" internet has stayed intact for the most part. It is intact at least enough not to need my attention tonight, and I am tying one on so to speak. There are several infrastructure failures up here, and that the internet is still working is somewhat surprising to me (and I know just how robust, or NOT robust it really is).
Truth be told, I'm drunk, and acting out a little on the first couple posts in this thread that accused those of us with a Bug Out Bag as being Rambo wannabees. I found that offensive. It was incredibly coincidental that we had a natural disaster today in which being prepared was the difference between comfort and discomfort.
Perhaps someday, under different circumstances, it could be the difference between comfort, and something approaching life or death.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 13, 2017
What I have onhand, which is boxes of Bota Box "Old Vine Zinfandel"
All stores are closed, so boxes of wine are what I happen to have... It's OK!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 13, 2017
Naw, she's just happy I was able to pick her up tonight... Her work was evacuated, and she didn't have a car.
I picked her up and took her home. She's wrapped around my finger right now--- even if I'm drinking her booze lol!



Can't Leave
Nov 28, 2011
I have a carry pouch that is always loaded and ready to go that I take with me to work. It will hold 3 or 4 pipes, quite a bit of tobacco and all of my tools. That would be easy to grab on the run.



Can't Leave
Sep 10, 2018
Denver, CO
I have to agree that building a bunker and stashing 200lbs of food per person per day sounds a bit nuts until something actually happens where you need said bunker and food. I worked in the EMS field a bit in my younger days and that is where I learned to have several bags depending on location, time of year, and the situation you do not anticipate. I can tell you that from snow storms, hurricanes, fires, and even a power outage, you should do some research and be prepared. It is not about the doomsday scenario, it is maybe being stuck on the highway during a closure. You will not die, but a few items can make a 4 hour wait a bit more comfortable. Therefore, thank you pianopuffer for bringing this up. I have a small duffel bag with items for a winter emergency in my truck and today I will add a MM cob and a tin of Pirate Kake (my favorite for now).
Stay smoky my friends!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 27, 2018
Phew! This is obviously one of those topics that folks tend to take very seriously.
I'd personally like to hope that if the apocalypse happened, those who prepared for themselves would be prepared to share with those who didn't. After reading this thread, I'm forced to admit that it's just wishful thinking. For my part, at least, If any one of you guys stumble across my campfire, post-apocalypse or not, I'll share my stash of baccy with ya.



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
I don't do that much except keep food and a couple of weeks worth of water on hand. Important docs are safe. Other preparations aren't really anyone else's concern. But having gone through a number of earthquakes, stocks of food, water, etc, kept on hand and rotate through isn't a bad idea.

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