Doomsday Pipe

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Jun 6, 2017
You don't need any emergency preparations.....










.....until you do.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 24, 2018
North Carolina
I keep two bags packed with basic survival gear. I actually carry one or both with me on trips just in case. They're not stocked up as some people keep them and a pipe is not in them atm though I have some extra cobs I might throw one of them with a tin of tobacco in there now. But if I had to move, I could easily sling them over my shoulder, grab my rifle next to them and move out.



Can't Leave
Sep 14, 2018
When it happens Crash, you might not get the choice. at least I didn't.
I hope no one else has to go through it.
Fist bump. Happy puffing!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 22, 2018
My personal Doomsday Plan consists of a Balcony with a good view , an jet unsmoked Amber stemmed Pipe from 1890, a Tin of Frog Morton and a Bottle of 1950 cask strength Cognac.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 17, 2017
When I read the original post - I just Knew it would generate the kind of response it did.
I do a lot of backcountry outdoors activities including hiking, fishing, and hunting. I’m also involved in a Search & Rescue. So the equipment I have is also very useful for situations like power outages and other circumstances when normal utilities aren’t online. We live out in rural farm country. Long time friends and family also live in the area. If some kind of greater emergency happened we likely wouldn’t be ‘bugging out’. Our combined resources and talents are all right here. Why go somewhere else ?
As for throwing a pipe or two and a couple of tins in your pack - Why not ?

Nov 10, 2018
Old school kind of guy here, as for a bug out bag...yes I have one but its mostly important documents. If the Zombie apocalypse comes around or people start throwing nukes around I am of the mind I will live or die on my wits and skills.

However I do plan to do it with a pipe clenched tightly between my teeth, be it empty or full. (would prefer full as I think in that kind of situation it would add to the general ambiance! and the nicotine would take the edge off it just a bit!)



Oct 10, 2013
GeorgeBMcC, that was the most useful post in this entire thread. What a phenomenal experience you created for yourself there. Having done a good bit of backcountry hiking and canoeing, I concur on the socks. When it's been raining for seven days, and the temperature keeps dropping, the thought of having a dry pair of socks in your pack is the only thing that keeps you moving sometimes. Of course, I had the luxury of taking weeks in preparing for a trip, vacuum sealing socks and underwear. Being on the road 24/7 is a totally different deal. Oh, and +100 on the tarp. A good tarp, and the experience/creativity to put it up quickly in any location, is priceless.
Is it possible to ignore a poster?
I wish. Just ignore them. That's what their mother did.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 27, 2018
Thanks, woodsroad, 'preciate your kind words!
Dry socks are everything. Whenever I pack my bag, I always make sure to put a bunch of socks, underwear, and usually a long sleeved thermal shirt inside a heavy duty waterproof trash bag. (Vacuum sealing them is a great idea! I'd never thought of that, it probably saves a ton of space and is guaranteed to keep out the damp.)
And yeah, there's an endless amount of uses for a nice thick 8'x12', 10'x16', or 10'x20' tarp. They are amazing. I usually tried to carry two of 'em, one for a floor and one for a roof. :puffy:



Oct 10, 2013
Nathan, vacuum sealing is a fantastic thing for BOB use. Saves space, and ensures dry undies at the end of the day. When I was doing a lot of hiking, I'd take my rattiest BVD's with me, and rather than pack them out, I'd burn them in the campfire. Saved weight and the "aroma" kept the bears away.



Jul 30, 2016
Vegas Baby!!!
That settles it. I'm tossing everything out of my "go bag" and putting a vacuum sealer in so I have room for everything I steal from well prepared folks.



Jul 30, 2016
Vegas Baby!!!
Dan, If I hadn't lost all of my guns, ammo, pipes, tobacco and other assorted vices in a tragic boating accident I would much better prepared.



Oct 10, 2013
Nathan, the only downside is that there's the temptation to bring more, and the bag gets heavier. And remember to allow for expansion when soft items expand after opening.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 15, 2018
Before I retired, I traveled a lot internationally. Sometimes I didn't have a lot of time to pack so I always kept a half gallon sealable freezer bag that I could throw in my luggage with five inexpensive pipes, a couple unopened tins of tobacco, pipe cleaners, a pipe tool, a disposable lighter, a couple boxes of matches and a pipe pouch -- what I needed for a week of smoking. I still have the bag in my pipe cabinet and everything is still in it. I'll probably never need it again but it doesn't hurt to have it just in case, someday, for some reason, I have to leave in a hurry.



Dec 6, 2018
Its hard to be prepared for emergency situations. I know that in a real panic situation, the pipes would end up getting left behind because I'm more concerned with getting loved ones to safety.
Now that its come up though, i plan on stashing a tin and a basket pipe into my normal BoB that I keep in the car for emergencies.
Looking at a lot of the prepper community and I understand why most folks don't take it seriously. The likelihood of a major scenario is very small, and entirely dependent on your area. I'm in Colorado, so no hurricanes, but in the event of something like Yellowstone going off, I'm sadly just close enough that I'd have time to light up before the supervolcano takes us out. And that's the most likely scenario for major disaster.
Barring that, I keep the essentials in the car for what I view as my most likely disaster. breakdowns or sliding off the road in the mountains. Something like that, the addition of my piping gear would do wonders to soothe the nerves while waiting the situation out, so its gonna get added in because I have the space.
Realistically, your best BoB is what you carry between your ears and in your pockets, so its usually the little tin of what i'm smoking as well as my 'pipe of the day' that rides around with me in the wallet tucked in my jacket. I've thought about getting a sort of hip bag (think more like a low hip holster rather than a fanny pack) that I can carry stuff in for whatever, be it notepaper and pens or my pipes and flask, but my jacket pockets do just fine for now.

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