Do you smoke a pipe while driving?

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Might Stick Around
Jan 10, 2012
I have smoked a pipe while driving for over 40 years now. All briar, all styles. What have I learned? To wear a self made bib (one in each vehicle) made from old dish drying cloths, so that no longer are my shirts and jackets full of burn holes.



May 4, 2011
Funny, I used to smoke and drive when I smoked nails, but not with the pipe. I do sit in my car and have a smoke on my lunch when it's nice outside. I'll go to the Subway just down the road, have a sandwich and a short smoke before going back to the grind.



Mar 9, 2010
I wonder what people next to you think when they see you, wearing a bib and smoking a pipe. :lol:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 2, 2011
Houston TX
I load and light my first pipe in the garage on the way to the truck and smoke it to the Park-n-Ride. Then pick out the embers and slide it into the brief case. When in the office and the coffee made, take a cup and go outside to enjoy the last of the pipe and watch the Occupiers in the park across the street freezing their a** off. Look forward as the day winds down to arriving at the truck, lighting up and driving home. Wish there was a smoking section on the bus--but it would smell like cigs. Too much time spent commuting not to make at least some of it mine.



Jun 16, 2011
Middle England
Posted 2 months ago #
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I am obviously a smoker or I wouldn't be part of this forum but I support the ban on smoking when driving here in the UK. I have been discusted for many years at the site of mothers on the school run with a car full of children and a cigarette hanging form their mouths, I have even seen baby's strapped in their child seats with their mothers smoking at the wheel. I havn't smoked at the wheel for over 30 years, back then there was far less congestion on the british roads but can remember a time when I tossed a cigarette out of the window and it flew straight back in and landed in my lap, I was doing 70mph at the time, also on a few occations I had the lighted tip fall off, I have had smoke in my eyes, sneezing fits and numorous other distractions caused by smoking, how many smokers out there has had simular experiences, I can imagine how serious some of these little misshaps could be if happening as they surely do on our very busy motorways. I have been a pipe smoker for over 40 years but have never smoked one at the wheel, christ I know how hard it is to light up a pipe in the comfort of my home, how many relights, tamping, and all that comes from a pipe, we all know this don't we, ye I know some of you can do it standing on your heads and are superhuman, but me, just a meer average who has seen many accidents caused by all manor of things, why not take one of these things away, I didn't support the ban on the use of mobile phone as I couldn't see it being more distractive than talking to the passenger sitting next to you, but the more it was explained to me, people taking there eyes of the road to text, to dial, to plug in to charge, all simple things, but at 70mph on a busy motorway, anybody that knows the roads in the UK must support anything that makes them safer and not just see it as another nail in the coffin for us smokers.

I wrote this for a previous post, still feel the same.

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Yeah I smoke in the car sometimes. Usually load the pipe up before entering the car and then give the char light, tamp, and second light while the car is off. I only tamp when I'm at a red light, and if it goes out I just wait till the next red light to tamp and relight. A lot of the times I'll smoke on my way to school. My local's hall is located basically in the ghetto (it was there before the area was the ghetto and hasn't moved), so it's funny as hell the looks I get driving with the windows down, Dean Martin cranked up, and a pipe in my mouth.
As for distractions, I think a cellphone is a much bigger disctraction than a pipe. You can choose a good clencher that you know you won't have to fiddle with too much. With the cellphone you have to hold it up to your ear in some manner and it usually slips around and then there's dropping it and dialing etc. I personally had one occassion where I turned southbound out of a shopping plaza into the northbound lane while I was talking on my cellphone. Luckily I had time and room to hop the median and get on the correct side of the road. Since then I've gotten a bluetooth and always have it in when driving. The bluetooth is the closest it comes to talking to a passenger while driving.



Jan 19, 2012
I keep a few aromatics around for my drive smoke. I sometimes find myself smoking a bit fast when driving and the mellow aromatics I keep on hand fit the bill. 1Q being my favorite.



Jan 16, 2012
Eatonville, WA
I have a 30 min trip to and from work. believe it or not its the only time I can enjoy a whole bowl in one sitting with out the wife or kids pestering me to come inside. I smoke outside so the house doesn't smell like my truck, also no one else smokes and I have a 1 yr old at home. True on the bent pipe, my Petersen- Rock of Cashel- 221 is perfect. Not too heavy. In fact I smoke all my pipes in the truck except for my vintage calabash (for good reason).



Jan 16, 2012
Eatonville, WA
Only bad thing about smoking while driving in Jacksonville is the FDLE. i have been pulled over maybe 5 times so far and asked by the statey if i was smoking pot. i said i wish and he let me go. one cop decised to give me a sample of his Pease- not bad, in turn i gave him a sample of my Stash- lol.



Can't Leave
Dec 8, 2011
Buford, Georgia
I sometimes smoke my pipe when I am deriving alone typically coming home from work. My computing time from the college I teach at to my home is over an hour and it's mostly on country roads. Going through small towns, like lordofthepiperings, I only tamp and relight when at a red light or otherwise stopped. On the country roads my car is sometimes the only one around.

My wife does not want me to smoke in my home office aka man cave cause the lingering smell bothers her.



Jan 12, 2012
I'm glad you mentioned that coalsmoke...
I was just about to pose a question..and I still will.
I used to smoke cigarettes in my vehicle...much like you coal..I am the only one that drives it.
Usually if I put the windows down a tad during and after my smoke the smell will dissapate to a non noticeable level.
I've noticed that pipe tobacco doesn't seem to be as aggressive as cigarette's easier to rid of.
Does febreeze do the trick? Or is it not necessary?
I guess what I'm asking you get nagged by the wife whenever shes in the car that youve been smoking your pipe in or is she none the wiser?



Can't Leave
Jan 9, 2012
I smoke in my car everyday on the way home from work... Cheapest stress relief available.



Dec 5, 2011
Since my travel for the remainder of the month doesn't involve planes but 3 hour car drives, I'm going to have to try smoking a pipe in my truck on these commutes. Thus far it has only been nails while driving. So wish me luck. Today'll be the first time. Thinking I'll load up 3 pipes here in a little while before I head out. That should keep me covered for the trip.
Anyone any idea what to use to dump the ash in ? I use a soda bottle half filled with water for my cigarette butts. Throw the bottle out when I get home. But that obviously won't work for the pipe. Perhaps a coffee cup in my drink holder ?
Any other tips & tricks ?



Dec 5, 2011
Dervis: In Texas.. no dumping ash or cigarettes out on the side of the road. It's a tinderbox down here and I see too many scorched spots along the highways. I started doing the coke bottle with water years ago. I need to find some kind of similar solution for my pipe... I'll have to get creative on this ;-)



Apr 17, 2012
I usually smoke cobs in the car, I'm not a clencher but to drive and smoke you have to clentch and cobs are nice soft stems to bite on



Jun 13, 2012
Stop at a truck stop and get one of those truckers ashtrays that you can put in your cup holder or place on the door between the window and the window's seal with the handle thingy. They work pretty well. They do a good job and are a breeze to empty. The ash kinda goes down a hole and is snuffed out by a lack of air. They have been around forever. A real nifty invention. The last time I bought one I think they were less than a fiver.

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