Posted 2 months ago #
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I am obviously a smoker or I wouldn't be part of this forum but I support the ban on smoking when driving here in the UK. I have been discusted for many years at the site of mothers on the school run with a car full of children and a cigarette hanging form their mouths, I have even seen baby's strapped in their child seats with their mothers smoking at the wheel. I havn't smoked at the wheel for over 30 years, back then there was far less congestion on the british roads but can remember a time when I tossed a cigarette out of the window and it flew straight back in and landed in my lap, I was doing 70mph at the time, also on a few occations I had the lighted tip fall off, I have had smoke in my eyes, sneezing fits and numorous other distractions caused by smoking, how many smokers out there has had simular experiences, I can imagine how serious some of these little misshaps could be if happening as they surely do on our very busy motorways. I have been a pipe smoker for over 40 years but have never smoked one at the wheel, christ I know how hard it is to light up a pipe in the comfort of my home, how many relights, tamping, and all that comes from a pipe, we all know this don't we, ye I know some of you can do it standing on your heads and are superhuman, but me, just a meer average who has seen many accidents caused by all manor of things, why not take one of these things away, I didn't support the ban on the use of mobile phone as I couldn't see it being more distractive than talking to the passenger sitting next to you, but the more it was explained to me, people taking there eyes of the road to text, to dial, to plug in to charge, all simple things, but at 70mph on a busy motorway, anybody that knows the roads in the UK must support anything that makes them safer and not just see it as another nail in the coffin for us smokers.
I wrote this for a previous post, still feel the same.