Canadian Box Pass Round 3

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Jan 23, 2015
5.9 lbs!! Hell ya!!
As for the Esoterica blends. I really like Penzance but not enough to jump through hoops to attain it. Margate & And So To Bed are both delish. Stonehaven is one that I really, really, really like and might jump through a hoop or two to acquire. :puffy:



Can't Leave
Dec 1, 2014
As for the Esoterica blends. I really like Penzance but not enough to jump through hoops to attain it. Margate & And So To Bed are both delish. Stonehaven is one that I really, really, really like and might jump through a hoop or two to acquire. :puffy:
So far I've tried Margate, Pembroke, Tilbury, Dorchester and Dunbar. I haven't had much experience with the latter two as they just recently arrived. Margate is a fantastic english, well balanced though every component could stand on its own and still make a fine tobacco. The orientals really stand out for me though, when a new leaf catches fire it is a sublime experience.
Pembroke, as I've heard somewhere, is margate with a cognac topping. I haven't given it much of a chance but it hasn't really been to my liking. Tilbury, a VaBur, is a sort of plain smoke, but in a good way; it is a meat-and-potatoes blend but some times that's just perfect.
Dorchester and Dunbar are both VaPers, dunbar containing more perique. Dunbar generally receives more praise than its cousin though from the bowl I've smoked of each, I preferred the less popular Dorchester. I believe I smoked both on the wet side though so I wouldn't be terribly surprised to see my opinion shift.
I was gifted an aged flake of stonehaven from a forum member but I haven't felt like there was a moment worth smoking it yet. I may try it back to back with some of the stonehaven from the box to see what a little time brings to it.
I'm keeping my eyes wide open for penzance and peacehaven! Though the thrill of the hunt is too much fun to dilute it by paying to win.
5.9 lbs? Pics or it didn't happen.
I'll post some unpacking photos. The box ('the box' sounds so cold for such a pleasant carboard friend, I'm going to start referring to him as Norman) is in Saskatoon though not marked as 'out for delivery'. I expect I'll have it tomorrow.



Can't Leave
Dec 1, 2014
Settle down, guys. The BOX weighs 5.9 lbs. That includes a lot of tobacco, no doubt, but also the weight of tins themselves, pipe racks, bees wax, etc.
Norman is out for delivery!!



Staff member
Sep 4, 2015
Baku, Azerbaijan
Settle down, guys. The BOX weighs 5.9 lbs. That includes a lot of tobacco, no doubt, but also the weight of tins themselves, pipe racks, bees wax, etc.
No, sir, you are wrong! It's all tobacco. I want to believe in that :crying:



Can't Leave
Dec 1, 2014
Sadly I can confirm it is not all tobacco, it is mostly pokemon.

Actually it is mostly tobacco. I felt a bit like a drug dealer dolling it out on to the table.

Last night I indulged in a bowlful of the Stonehaven. I was hoping I wouldn't like it -- but I really did. Drat. It's got the dry cocoa notes of Solani's Aged Burley Flake, the dark stewed flavours of Old Dark Fired minus the barbecue tang, and the earthy, molassesy sweetness of Wessex Brigade Campaign Dark Flake. Essentially my favourite components of some of my favourite tobaccos. It has fantastic smoking mechanics, even though I likely could have dried it out further.
Again... drat.



Aug 7, 2013
Regina, Canada
Sadly I can confirm it is not all tobacco, it is mostly pokemon.
lol I put that cardboard in there because I thought it might protect the baggies when you cut into the box.
drezz, I hope Norman is good to you and you discover some new favourites.



May 26, 2015

I felt a bit like a drug dealer dolling it out on to the table.

I like it! :clap:

I mean that in a positive, non-drug related way.



Can't Leave
Dec 1, 2014
I didn't get a chance to try anything new last night - but tonight I will for sure! I'm thinking maybe the drew estate meat pie - it is making me hungry already.
I also may make a sort of running list of the box contents to make future decisions a little easier. It will still require some digging but at least there will be an inventory.



Can't Leave
Dec 1, 2014
After a short jog and a pork chop dinner I dove right in to the tin of Drew Estate Meat Pie. I popped the seal and it was surprisingly smokeable right out of the tin; it was fairly dry and perfect for an english.
It is a mighty fine blend. Similar to Dunhill Standard mixture I'm finding, but less briny than standard mixture and slightly sweeter. The flavour is well balanced and the individual tobaccos have been married nicely. Even though its fairly complex the overall experience is fairly one dimensional. That may sound denigrating, but it actually speaks more to the harmony of the blend than anything specifically lacking. An all day smoke for certain.
I'm about 2/3rds down the bowl now and the flavour profile has remained. Very nice.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 26, 2014
So many good things to try! It is been a while since I have had a solid english blend. I cracked a tin of HH Latakia Flake a few days ago. I don't get much Latakia from it, very nice tobacco but not really your typical english. I look forward to a bowl of Meat Pie.



Can't Leave
Dec 1, 2014
Last night I delved in to the well-aged St. James Woods. The first thing I noticed was the colour of the tobacco itself. A very deep and dull brown with very little colour remaining. This is by far the oldest tobacco I have ever tried. It tasted like drinking black tea with just a drop of honey in an old archival room of some great library. That may not make much sense - but it was fantastic!



Can't Leave
Dec 1, 2014
Last night I had a bowl of War Horse, one of the STP blends I missed the last time the box was sent around. It started out beautifully. Mild nutty burley set the stage with some slightly spicier moments from time to time. It took a bit of a turn halfway through the bow but I believe this has more to do with the pipe it was in. I have a small Icarus apple I use for burleys and it came with a bit of an unfortunate flavour - either from the carbonation (which I noted was awfully dusty, my first blank draw of the thing was quite unpleasant) or the dipped bowl. Otherwise, a great value of a pipe. I haven't yet broken it in properly so I suspect that's the culprit.
I am hell bent on round two tonight - in a more predictable pipe! More soon.



Can't Leave
Dec 1, 2014
Sorry I haven't checked in lately gents, spring has finally arrived on the prairies so I've been finding myself out on patios for pints more often than at home with a pipe. Despite being hellbent on re-sampling war horse in my last post - I have not yet done so. The weekend is quickly approaching however and I see many a pipeful in my future!



Can't Leave
Dec 1, 2014
Well it's getting to be that heartbreaking time when the box should move on. I believe stickframer is up next! I will box her up on the weekend and get her to the post early next week if you are ready?



Can't Leave
Dec 1, 2014
Does that mean there won't be any more of your great reviews forthcoming? :crying:
I believe the only thing I'll pinch from the box is a bowlful of stonehaven to compare against the aged flake I received from another member. That comparison will hopefully happen some time this week! I suspect the others will provide some great reviews as well!
I meant to pack the box up last night, but my roommate failed to screw the lid on to a large jar of pre-minced garlic in liquid. I lifted it from the lid and it fell to the floor causing a small explosion. Thankfully the box was in another room but it took the entire evening to clean.

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