As for the Esoterica blends. I really like Penzance but not enough to jump through hoops to attain it. Margate & And So To Bed are both delish. Stonehaven is one that I really, really, really like and might jump through a hoop or two to acquire. :

So far I've tried Margate, Pembroke, Tilbury, Dorchester and Dunbar. I haven't had much experience with the latter two as they just recently arrived. Margate is a fantastic english, well balanced though every component could stand on its own and still make a fine tobacco. The orientals really stand out for me though, when a new leaf catches fire it is a sublime experience.
Pembroke, as I've heard somewhere, is margate with a cognac topping. I haven't given it much of a chance but it hasn't really been to my liking. Tilbury, a VaBur, is a sort of plain smoke, but in a good way; it is a meat-and-potatoes blend but some times that's just perfect.
Dorchester and Dunbar are both VaPers, dunbar containing more perique. Dunbar generally receives more praise than its cousin though from the bowl I've smoked of each, I preferred the less popular Dorchester. I believe I smoked both on the wet side though so I wouldn't be terribly surprised to see my opinion shift.
I was gifted an aged flake of stonehaven from a forum member but I haven't felt like there was a moment worth smoking it yet. I may try it back to back with some of the stonehaven from the box to see what a little time brings to it.
I'm keeping my eyes wide open for penzance and peacehaven! Though the thrill of the hunt is too much fun to dilute it by paying to win.
5.9 lbs? Pics or it didn't happen.
I'll post some unpacking photos. The box ('the box' sounds so cold for such a pleasant carboard friend, I'm going to start referring to him as Norman) is in Saskatoon though not marked as 'out for delivery'. I expect I'll have it tomorrow.