(I'm kidding of course... mostly)
I do understand where you're coming from, sometimes it seems like I can't even let anyone near my possessions without them breaking something. It's hard not to look down on people when it seems like only one in a million people actually cares about anything.
I have a feeling it's mostly a cultural difference though, some cultures place no value on posessions whatsoever, others are very meticulous. I can tell you that someone who treats their possessions well will save a lot of money in the long run, and that the meticulous person will probably have a better quality of life (less likely to be injured, or go hungry), but it shouldn't be taken as a sign of social standards. Many cultures have a low value of posessions because they have an incredibly high value of relationships.
I should flag this post for breaking rule #9, the complete lack of paragraphs is revolting and below the standards of this forum.I usually can tell and individual's personality by how he treats his pipes. Sometimes I see people smoking in damaged pipes with burnt rims, partially broken, dirty, scratched, etc. These are individuals who will, for example, empty their pipes hitting the rim against a wall, light their pipes at an angle, stuff more tobacco in their bowls without emptying them properly, blow into their bowls to keep the tobacco burning, tamper with their clipper lighters or people that will smoke in the same pipe over and over again without letting it dry properly. I regard these practices as barbaric and proper of brutes and ignoramuses. He who treats his pipes in this manner should not be allowed to live in society. Of course I am only joking, but I'd rather steer well clear of such individuals as it is quite apparent to me they have nothing worthy to share. When I encounter people like that in life, I can only wonder how they treat their wives, offspring, pets, etc. This is wanton violence, whether against a human being or an inanimate object, and should not be tolerated. Of course, every individual has an inherent right to trea?t his inanimate objects how he pleases, but on the other hand, I have an inalienable right too not to mix with that kind of individuals and choose my own friends more wisely. The fact you smoke in a pipe does not necessarily mean you are going to be my friend for the sake of it. Please be mindful with the world around you and treat others how you'd like to be treated yourself.
(I'm kidding of course... mostly)
I do understand where you're coming from, sometimes it seems like I can't even let anyone near my possessions without them breaking something. It's hard not to look down on people when it seems like only one in a million people actually cares about anything.
I have a feeling it's mostly a cultural difference though, some cultures place no value on posessions whatsoever, others are very meticulous. I can tell you that someone who treats their possessions well will save a lot of money in the long run, and that the meticulous person will probably have a better quality of life (less likely to be injured, or go hungry), but it shouldn't be taken as a sign of social standards. Many cultures have a low value of posessions because they have an incredibly high value of relationships.