Thank you all. I usually have to work really hard every day to earn any money, I pay for too much tax (I am a home-owner in the UK) and I have too many bills to pay for too. Now here is the thing: with the little money I am left with I buy things that I really like (sometimes I even save money to be able to purchase them), so I can't treat my property like it was given to me for granted and therefore be oblivious to the massive amount of work I put into everything. I class as middle class according to my tax band, that is, neither rich nor poor, but I guess it could be possible to make the same case on the super rich and say they are brutes and ignoramuses as they don't really value what property they hold in the same way I do. Everybody knows that some rich people don't look after their cars, clothes, etc., in the same way many people with far less money will look after theirs, but had I make this case instead, I would probably have had less people on my case now. I am not picking on the underdog, the poorly educated, etc., but just stating a fact: I like looking after what property I have, and I cannot understand people who won't look after theirs (whatever the tax band they might be in). Having said that, I understand the tone has been somewhat patronizing and condescending, but I am not an elitist.