Well that escalated quickly.
I won't debate the morals of eating meat as it is not something I am likely to change my mind on anytime soon. (In case you're wondering I am what you might call an "adventurous eater" and eat just about anything...however I just couldn't do a balut)
I have also raised animals for wool, food and what my parents called "fun"...raising them just to eat grass, get free so I would have to fix the fence, and poop was not what I would call fun but WTH.
I also gained a healthy perspective on the people who hunt for the horns rather than the meat.
I also (until Mr. Covid came along) lived in a country/state where vegetarian is the norm not the exception and eat strict veg at least 3 days a week (also means no eggs, only non-vegan items are honey and milk) Also, beef is illegal there.
From my experience, I gotta say, y'all just gotta calm down. In India, where I work now, people who venerate life can happily and caringly coexist with those who eat meat. Those who love steak will still happily break bread with strict-veg people and eat veg along with them.
If you need another also, the food in my last post, Latvia was actually real. Potatoes actually tasted like something before they were fried. Strawberries were the right size, not as big as apples and tasted like strawberries, not cucumbers. Pork was amazing, unlike the stuff I get in the US right now which makes me physically sick (has since I was a kid). Maybe we could just eat some real food instead of whatever the newest engineering makes us believe is food.
Oh goodness, I got on my soapbox too...oops.
Forgive me please, I'll go back to my corner now.