Beards and Beard Oil

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Jul 29, 2013
I began growing mine out a week ago as today is my last day of work where I have been required to be shaven. I have never had the opportunity to grow my facial hair out as I was in the Navy for five years and at my current job for the last six.
I usually shave maybe once a week because my stubble isn't too dark or unruly for anyone to care and also if I shave everyday my face breaks out. I've been looking into this sort of stuff (oils) because I have no experience as I have been on the outside.



Can't Leave
Dec 1, 2014
I've maintained a modest beard for the past 4 years or so. I can't really remember the last time I was clean shaven. I remember not liking it however.
I use a beard oil in the winter to reduce the amount of dry skin that ends up trapped in the beard in cold dry weather. Plus it smells of bergamot - whatever that is.



May 12, 2015
Reviving this thread instead of making a new one :)
I've had a goatee for as long as I can remember. I finally decided to grow a full beard and I'm currently on my 7th week. The hardest part for me was getting the sides to grow, but they are finally filling in!
I currently use the following:

* Organix Thick and Full Biotin & Collagen Shampoo / Conditioner. (I get it at Walmart)

* Argon Oil - right after I take a shower.

* Spring Valley Hair, Skin and Nails Biotin & Collagen Supplement.
After the Argon Oil and Supplement runs out I plan on switching to the following to see if I get different results

* VitaBeard - A full daily vitamin which includes Biotin.

* Lumberjacks Beard Oil - Enchanted Pine Forest (LOL, I bet that smells manly!)

* or...RockyMountainBeard oil - Citrus Musk Lumberjack

* I was also out at Whole Foods Market and they had a beard oil, but I forget the name, but damn they wanted $16 bucks!



Oct 18, 2013
My beard has been growing back since my last post up there ... where did all these new gray ones come from? :?
This winter was fairly dry and I did use some jojoba oil on my beard and scalp with good results.
It is important to only use a couple of drops rubbed between the palms otherwise it's too much.



Jul 23, 2014
The Lower Forty of Hill Country
You did say Bardhal, didn't you?



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 10, 2015
I really can't grow a beard, but I'm trying as of May 4th. I'm afraid the best I'll ever manage is the classic Van Dyke with no connecter growth. Good coverage on chin and 'stache, but precious little elsewhere. Think Johnny Depp in the Pirate movies.



Feb 21, 2013
I heard about a study of facial hair that found that it has a high level of bacteria associated with ... fecal matter. I don't necessarily believe it, but that was what this study claimed. I used to have a mustache, for years, but I finally decided it made me look too depressive. I think a beard would make me look positively ancient. About the bacteria study ... I don't know what to believe. The jury's still out, I guess.
When I finally shaved off my mustache, my late wife didn't comment at all, for weeks. I finally took her out for an elegant supper and asked her if she'd noticed anything new about me, in recent weeks. She never guessed, and when I announced that I'd shaved my mustache weeks ago, she was quite embarrassed. Likewise, when my dad quit chain smoking pipes and cigars after about 45 years, my mom didn't catch on until he told her. Isn't life funny.



Apr 5, 2014
I shaved off my beard years ago when it was all white and I looked many years younger because of losing the beard.
Edit..I forgot to say I never thought EVER about putting any kind of treatment on my beard, oil or whatever, just washed and combed it, like my head.



Aug 21, 2014
That study was about hand washing. If you don't wash your hands properly you can end up with fecal matter anywhere. All the beardless non hand washers will end up with fecal matter on their faces! I wouldn't be surprised to learn that study was paid for my the Gillette Co!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 29, 2012
Lol, I think that study was written by guys who can't grow beards and are simply jealous ;)
All kidding aside, I find it funny that I ran across this thread today because I just recently started using beard oil. Its only a few inches right now, but I am a cut phase of a specific workout/lifting regimen for the next 15 weeks. I'm growing out the beard until cut is done, and then I will shave. The kind I use is called Tree Ranger by Beardbrand. It smells great (like a pine tree) and seems to keep it a bit more sharp looking. Whether or not it is worth the money is another question - I like it so far but I have t used anything to compare it to, lol.
Either way, I've always loved beards and was able to grow a decent one by the time I was a freshman in college. Everyone has preferences - kinda cool to see the perspective of others on beard oil :)



May 4, 2011
I actually use hand/body lotion in my hair and beard. It's the only thing that will keep me from looking like the wild man of Borneo. My hair grows out in all directions. Sometimes I'll use Argan Oil.
I once bought this stuff that was supposed to prevent frizz, but I'm pretty sure it was just Astroglide disguised as a hair care product so I threw it out.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2015
Mammoth Beard Co makes some good stuff, and they are a small local business which is a plus. Beard oil makes a huge difference I find. It's a hemp seed oil base. I haven't used any with argan oil.



May 12, 2015
I have the same problem with hairs going in all directions. I had hoped that a boars brush would help, but it didn't. The argon oil definately keeps it soft and my wife likes to sniff it in bed :)
I think my next major task is to figure out how to trim this damn thing. I'm looking a bit burley. Any tips on trimming when it gets longer?



Can't Leave
Feb 3, 2015
I was hesitant to try beard oil, but was so glad that I finally did. My main problem was beard-druff going all over the place. My shirts constantly looked like I had just finished eating a box of saltines. The oils cleared that right up.
Of the limited brands I have tried, I haven't noticed one working particularly better than another(so usually I pick up the cheap stuff on amazon made with jojoba oil). I do find that the beard balms like honest amish tend to be a little more travel friendly as I don't have to worry about a bottle breaking in my suitcase.



Can't Leave
Dec 2, 2014
I've always had hair on my face off-and-on for years, but about 8 months ago I stopped doing anything to it and have let it grow, no trimming of the mustache either. It's the biggest I've ever had it, and I will give it a full year (a yeard) until I do any trimming (if I do) to let anything come out that is there. It's salt & pepper with more salt than pepper, and it definitely makes me look a lot older than I do without it. I rinse it everyday when I shower but no soap or shampoo except for about once a week. After I rinse it I use about six drops of organic jojoba oil to moisturize it. After I shampoo it I use a dab of Honest Amish beard balm, and then go back to just rinsing and jojoba oil unit the next shampoo. The reason I use jojoba instead of beard oil is that many of the beard oils have added fragrance and are not organic. Jojoba does what those do and is safer to put on your face and is a lot less expensive. The Honest Amish balm was the only one that I could find that was 100% natural and organic. Some people don't like the scent, but to me it smells like cloves and the smell fades after a few hours. Good luck!



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 10, 2015
I've had a goatee (not trimmed close) for thirty years and never heard of beard oil. I presume the stuff is useful for taming a long, fluffy beard. Whatever happened to bear grease? Man up! You guys will be talking about body wash and manicures, if you're not careful.



Can't Leave
May 19, 2015
Muskegon Michigan
I use a beard balm. Its like a wax type material that turns oily when rubbed into the beard. Check out Wilder Beard Company. They make great stuff. I am currently wearing their "SAWMILL" blend



May 12, 2015
I'm finding out that a beard is a much bigger commitment than a goatee. I had never heard of beard oil before until I started to grow one. Goatee oil doesn't seem like it would be a great seller. :lol:
If I recall, bear grease was for hair loss? Beard oil is for keeping the beard healthy, soft, shiny, and smooth.

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