Beards and Beard Oil

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Staff member
Jul 28, 2013
Damn had I known, I could have asked the lady at the check out in Wal-Mart tonight, which oil she uses on her beard... So strange to me... Girls with beards is becoming popular...arg!



Feb 26, 2015
Slidell, LA
Now this is a bearded zombie thread!
I had a full beard from the summer of 1972 until the summer of 1986 when I had to shave it off because the Coast Guard decided we should all look like the other services. I grew it back in 1993.
I found all the discussions about beard oils and balms and what type of shampoo and conditioners to use to be fascinating in a comical sense. Never paid any mind to it and just washed mine every time I showered and kept it neat and trimmed for the most part. I was blessed with the genes that let me easily grow a full beard. For the past 4 or 5 years, I let my beard grow out starting in August so it will be nice and long for the Christmas season. I also wear red during December just to mess with the kiddies.
That being said, last year I was given some Bay Rum scented beard oil and balm. I will usually use the oil before going out instead of cologne because I like the smell of it.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 13, 2016
Lancaster PA
Beard oils are generally a rip-off to cash in on the hipsters. I'm not saying oil doesn't help, it certainly does. But the prices are outrageous. I've had a beard most of my adult life. A few things I've learned to help my beard have been 1-using head shampoo/conditioner dries mine out. I only rinse w/ hot water and comb out while I'm doing this. Helps keeps knots out and keeps it relatively clean while retaining moisture. 2-the cheapest "beard oil" is just as good as the expensive hipster brand. Heck, I just use a little bit of olive oil or sesame seed oil every couple of days. If I don't, I get "beard-druff". 3-at some point your beard will get so long that oil isn't too helpful. Beard balm is better for those of us w/ beards longer than 3-4" in length. 4-keep it trimmed. And by trimmed, I mean this. This is something the hipsters miss. They want their beards to be as long as possible. But they end up with a beard that is pretty full for the first 2 or 3", and then they get these long, whispy beards that you can see the daylight through. Don't do that. Keep it trimmed in a way that you aren't looking straggly and whispy. A 2" full and well-shaped beard is better than a thin and straggly 5" beard.
And don't pair your beard w/ one of those ridonkulous hair-cuts. You know the type....



Feb 15, 2015
Still liking the Honest Amish balm.

Spendy but a small tubby lasts a while.

I offer no advice on how to style/cut beards.



Dec 29, 2016
Def some conditioner. Oil, balm doesn't matter. Really depends on your facial hair to be honest. I love DreamBeard Mechanic oil. Blow dry, rub oil in and boars head brush or when I have it really long a beard comb.



Feb 15, 2015
My beard is wiry. The balm keeps it more civilized than the proverbial Wild Man look.

Like they say, it does not matter if the cat is black or white as long as it catches the mouse.



I've had a beard for 18 years now and have always just used Head & Shoulders. I tried beard oil about 7 years ago because my wife gave it to me and I wanted to be nice, but the stuff just got on everything; shirt, pillows, blankets, jackets. I tried it once, but didn't see the purpose.



Can't Leave
Mar 2, 2016
Going on 10 years with my beard. The ladies love it.

I don't shampoo since it's strips the oil out of the beard hair. I use beard oil when I'm fresh out of the shower. I use to buy, but now I make it, there are several recipes online you can find to get started, and some playing with what you like as a base since skin type matters. I use jojoba oil, and essential oils (I have several scents depending on mood). I comb with a boars head brush that does a better job than synthetics at moving oil around. During the day if I need sprucing up, I use a beard cream that's more wax based, this I buy from the dollar beard club. Trimming is important, not just for looks, but for promoting growth. Most people just let it grow to try and get length, but just like regular hair, you can get split ends, trimming takes care of those and promotes longer growth. If I don't care for my beard, it gets wild and crazy.

I agree @reverendsasquatch, don't get a freaking stupid haircut with My barber is out of the shop for a while, and had to go find a quick replacement, had to tell her about my beard "a proper beard for a proper Alaskan", not that hipster BS.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 6, 2016
I've had my beard since I was 18 (I'm now 63) and I just now had to google "beard oil." I never heard of it.
I keep my beard relatively short and trim. But, I do grow out my mustache. I use Clubman mustache wax on it.
The only issue with a waxed mustache is - well, let me put it this way - don't use a Xikar lighter to relight a short cigar stub with a waxed mustache. It's NOT a good combination.



Mar 19, 2015
I only started using beard oil around 2 years ago I wouldnt say it is required but it really makes a difference for me living in a northern climate our winters are very dry and would cause a itchy/dandruffy beard. Mammoth Beard Co. Makes some great beard oils they are a little pricey but they are the best I have tried and I don't mind paying a little more to support a small Canadian company.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 13, 2015
I've had a beard for 30+ years and never used beard oil but, until recently, usually kept my beard very short. I have a very coarse/wiry beard and now it is getting longer might have to investigate oils. I don't know if they are available in the US but I can recommend George Trumper of Curzon Street, London for all manner of grooming supplies. Top quality stuff but it ain't cheap. They even make something called cologne which, according to my wife, makes me smell tolerable.



Might Stick Around
Jan 4, 2017
I've had a handlebar mustache and chin beard for a few years, people say I look like a cartoon devil. Never tried oils until recently but I can already see a difference. I agree that pricing is a little out there but Dollar Beard Club had a small bottle of oil for, you guessed it, a dollar. Ingredients are the same as most $20+ bottles and they have two scents. Mainly started using it because my facial hair was looking scraggly as I always sleep face down and the winters get harsh and dry here. The oil definitely helps hair from breaking apart as I stroke it to shape it, and it made my stache more pliable as even with wax it wouldn't always sit right. People also say the hair looks darker now. It used to be a collection of brown, blonde, red and black, now it actually matches the hair on my head haha. It is supposed to have vitamins which fight colour/pigment loss in hair. They also sell a more expensive version which is apparently made to boost growth but I'm pretty sure if you can't grow a beard you just can't grow a beard...
For those wanting to support a Canadian brand I highly recommend Cut Throat Shaving Co. They make excellent products, even a mustache wax in a chapstick-like container for rubbing on quickly during your adventures.
In the end I think most people have enough oils on their skin that when they touch their beards it should spread through. Best to go the natural way your body intended and not lather up in strange things.



May 9, 2016
No beard oil for me. Coconut Oil works like magic - and for several other things as well. I have my wife to thank for that one. She saves us a ton of money by sticking with "simple" and looking past the marketing.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 1, 2017
Coconut oil is cheap and works great, I really like Hemp oil and sometimes blend in a little beeswax. Diluted Apple Cider vinegar(live stuff) cleans/conditions pretty well in the shower.

Jan 8, 2013
I use Badass Beard Care products and I love it. I've tried beard oils from other companies, but the oils seemed thin compared to Badass. I use the oils, balms, and occasionally mustache wax. I also use the wash. I do plan to begin making my own sometime in the near future as it does get a bit pricey.



Dec 5, 2016
I've had some sort of beard since I was 23; now I am 51. I am an extremely low maintenance male. Using a beard oil -- I couldn't be bothered. Yes, I live in the Land of the Maple Leaf, where winters are chilly but I don't find my beard goes dry. I had never heard of this oil for beards until I saw someone promoting it through the youtube pipe community. When I saw how costly it was, I thought it was a "snake oil for hipsters." I think this is one of those products for which there is an artificial 'be-hip' desire but no real need ... well, for me at any rate.



Mar 25, 2016
Wow. I've had a beard about 75% of the least 30 years, and I had no idea there was any such thing as beard oil. Somehow I'm not surprised. There seem to be grooming products for everything. :wink:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 13, 2016
Lancaster PA
It's snake oil for hipsters in the sense that no one should be paying those prices! As I said, a little olive oil or sesame seed oil from my kitchen cabinet works great for me. It's not snake oil in the sense of, some folks may just need oil in their beards. For me, it controls my "beard-druff" (dandruff). I have drier skin on both my scalp and my chin. I also have more curly beard hair. A few drops of oil a couple times a week just keeps it from getting knotty and bristle pad looking. If my beard was more straight, and my skin was less dry, I wouldn't use anything.

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