An absolutely fantastic post. The time and effort you have put in to help me out is actually quite touching (I know we all like a good puzzle, but this was really above and beyond). And so, a very sincere thank you to all who have contributed to this thread - obviously I'm an interested party, but it's been fascinating to sit back and watch the dating process in action by people who clearly have expertise.
I guess this leaves me asking 'what the hell do I now do with it'. My usual MO is to simply strip it back, restain and wax, but I feel this pipe should be allowed to remain as it was intended. I can't afford not to sell it, and there are issues like the rim being attacked by a 40 grit piece of sandpaper, the odd nick and scratch, and of course, the stem.
I can't do much to the rim without removing the cake; I don't know how far the sandpaper has penetrated, so I first need to remove that. I was thinking of going over the stummel with fine micro-mesh and just rewaxing. I can do a fairly decent job of the stem since it's quite a routine job for the pipes that I get, but I don't want to diminish the value of the pipe. I'm guessing that a good repair would not do so, but please shout if I'm wrong.
Then there's selling it. I don't really know where to begin. Ebay is the obvious option, but I'm innately mistrustful of auctioning it and would prefer a Buy it Now type deal. Value-wise: Again, I don't know where to start. Pre-trans Barlings go from £70 up to £1000s. Is this a pipe, with all the uncertainty surrounding it, that would appeal to collectors, or is it still a 'smoking' pipe? I really have no idea, so any input would be gratefully received (or PM me if you prefer).
Anyway, again, my thanks to all, and if anyone has any ideas on how I should proceed, I would very much welcome your advice.
Edit: Yes Jesse, cheque's in the mail.