I love to tin bake for getting variations in flavor presentations after cooking. I do wait until my wife leaves for work before sneaking to her oven to do the cooking.
Here's an experience I had with a 19-year old 50g tin of Dunhill's Royal Yacht - I know this tobacco very well because I smoke it all the time. It is a mostly Virginia blend with a secret casing that I love. That casing, along with the rich, ripe fig like tones of the tobacco can readily be smelled when I pop the lid, and with tins this old, the tobacco is quite dark with only a few lighter brown specks of leaf and lots of sugar crystals. When I opened that freshly baked tin, I found that all of the tobacco was jet black in color, the sugar crystals were there, but the tin note had morphed. I could not detect even a hint of the smell of the secret Royal Yacht casing, and the ripe fig aroma had transformed into a smell I had never whiffed before. Sort of a dark, almost Espresso kind of smell along with burning leaves, maybe? At first light, I knew immediately that there was a difference. This cooked Royal Yacht had flattened out. There were no high or low nuances to the tobacco as it was smoked. Instead, a strong but monochromatic Virginia taste that was so tamed, that even the strongest puffing cadence produced no bite. The flavor was no better or worse than had the tin been uncooked, but it was a very different flavor presentation as I got no hint at all of that wonderful added flavor produced by the casing. It had been cooked out. The entire tin was consumed within a week and I thoroughly enjoyed ever puff.
I have done a lot of tin baking with other tobacco blends since then and have had varying results. I've lost the seal when tin baking some of the Gawith rectangular tins such as Full Virginia Flake, and a C&D tin of Exhausted Rooster exploded on me while in the oven and there were bird feathers all over the place along with a lot of tobacco leaf. I had a heck of a time cleaning all the tobacco out of there before my wife got home. I was lucky. If she had found tobacco shards all over her nice oven, instead of being an exhausted rooster from all that cleaning, I would have been a dead one!