Anyone Play Video Games?

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May 23, 2018
Lately, I've been playing Street Fighter II on a SNES. Not an original SNES, one of those remakes that Best Buy was selling. It's okay, my 7 yo grandson likes it.


Feb 2, 2019
Basel, Switzerland
My first Fromsoft souls game and what I find fascinating is how much I've been conditioned to find dying in a game as a negative. I am finally embracing this aspect of the game and it took me many hours to wrap my head around it. Once I realized this is a purposeful mechanic I have really started to enjoy myself.
Yes, same here, I spent the first couple of hours really whining and fighting the game mechanics (like mob respawns).

I guess Dark Souls was indeed a groundbreaking game when it came out.
I am seriously addicted to it, only issue is limited time. I am about halfway through Dark Souls 1 with a warrior wearing heavy ass armour and weapons, then I am strongly considering getting gud and playing some sort of thief/archer or even caster - basically a class that can't take more than two farts from a boss.
Then want to actually get a non-potato PC to run DS3 and Bloodborne. The Sekiro mechanics don't appeal to me, but I may get it in the end.

I saw the Elden Ring videos, it looks too clean somehow?

Basically I fought against looking at these games for years, thinking they will get on my nerves due to the difficulty, but Dark Souls shot into my top 5 easily!

Now maybe I will pick up Divinity Original Sin 2 again, that's one game that made me ragequit harder than any other game in my life!


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
Oh man that thing. A wonder and a disappointment. Seemed like the games you really wanted it to do something with it didn't and the games you didn't need help had the most cheats. Though for many people that thing was essential.
I made the Elden Ring purchase last night for the PS5.

I am only 30 minutes in, got no clue.
nope and that's a lot of the fun. Compared to the other From Software Soul games it's clear cut, which is to say. It's a mystery but at least the hints aren't totally oblique. In the other games the mystery was for the second play through. Elden ring got me hooked right away.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
Yes, same here, I spent the first couple of hours really whining and fighting the game mechanics (like mob respawns).

I guess Dark Souls was indeed a groundbreaking game when it came out.
I am seriously addicted to it, only issue is limited time. I am about halfway through Dark Souls 1 with a warrior wearing heavy ass armour and weapons, then I am strongly considering getting gud and playing some sort of thief/archer or even caster - basically a class that can't take more than two farts from a boss.
Then want to actually get a non-potato PC to run DS3 and Bloodborne. The Sekiro mechanics don't appeal to me, but I may get it in the end.

I saw the Elden Ring videos, it looks too clean somehow?

Basically I fought against looking at these games for years, thinking they will get on my nerves due to the difficulty, but Dark Souls shot into my top 5 easily!

Now maybe I will pick up Divinity Original Sin 2 again, that's one game that made me ragequit harder than any other game in my life!
I've said it before less then hard they are exacting. You pay for mistakes. And there is zero hand holding. Though the moment I start thinking that too much the game reminds me of what it can do.
I think a great example of what that's about is nearly at the end of the first souls game with a high level well armoured mage and the first guys killed me because I thought I don't really have to focus on them at all.


Feb 2, 2019
Basel, Switzerland
I've said it before less then hard they are exacting. You pay for mistakes. And there is zero hand holding. Though the moment I start thinking that too much the game reminds me of what it can do.
I think a great example of what that's about is nearly at the end of the first souls game with a high level well armoured mage and the first guys killed me because I thought I don't really have to focus on them at all.
You mean PvP? I play offline only, feel that invasions would push it a bit too far.

Or, if you mean PvE, I love the fact that even silly hollows can give trouble. I don’t even notice the lack of information, I actually feel it has just right: go to an area, explore, pay attention to the surrounding, of the enemies are challenging but doable then you’re in the right place, if they are absurdly hard, then not. Also love how although each area is more like a scene, a setting, and are not particularly big they FEEL big because they are all intense. Hated the Depths though, and Blighttown, Blighttown I actually skipped the descent unknowingly due to having the master key.


Oct 16, 2019
Wyoming USA
Yes, same here, I spent the first couple of hours really whining and fighting the game mechanics (like mob respawns).

I guess Dark Souls was indeed a groundbreaking game when it came out.
I am seriously addicted to it, only issue is limited time. I am about halfway through Dark Souls 1 with a warrior wearing heavy ass armour and weapons, then I am strongly considering getting gud and playing some sort of thief/archer or even caster - basically a class that can't take more than two farts from a boss.
Then want to actually get a non-potato PC to run DS3 and Bloodborne. The Sekiro mechanics don't appeal to me, but I may get it in the end.

I saw the Elden Ring videos, it looks too clean somehow?

Basically I fought against looking at these games for years, thinking they will get on my nerves due to the difficulty, but Dark Souls shot into my top 5 easily!

Now maybe I will pick up Divinity Original Sin 2 again, that's one game that made me ragequit harder than any other game in my life!
I'm using an Xbox controller on my PC for this game only. I'm addicted too and can easily see 200+ hours here. I have limited time to play as well and have been sharing game time with Hell Let Loose so I'll be playing this title for a loooong time.

I'm also not trying to cheese the game by looking at a lot of guides but I have had to look things up as there is just no hand holding going on here. Who the hell makes gating using a mechanic where you have to invade other players games 3 times in order to gain items that allow access to new areas of the map? Better question is who the hell figured this out as something you needed to do? I also eventually looked up a progression map because I tend to over extend and probably would miss a lot of great drops and content otherwise.

I spent a couple of evening sessions in an underground river area knowing I was not to level before I decided to back track. This area was the trigger for looking up the progression map. The size of the map, the variety of boss and mobs, the foreign (to me) game's mind boggling.


Nov 23, 2010
Central New Jersey
Since westerns are my thing I have been playing Red Dead Redemption 2 for a few months now.
The graphics are amazing and the open world map is huge.
I have enjoyed playing games on the PC since I was 30(I'm 70 now).
Although my reaction time has slowed my childlike sense of wonder and imagination has kept me sharp.
I will probably be playing this game again even after I complete it.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
You mean PvP? I play offline only, feel that invasions would push it a bit too far.

Or, if you mean PvE, I love the fact that even silly hollows can give trouble. I don’t even notice the lack of information, I actually feel it has just right: go to an area, explore, pay attention to the surrounding, of the enemies are challenging but doable then you’re in the right place, if they are absurdly hard, then not. Also love how although each area is more like a scene, a setting, and are not particularly big they FEEL big because they are all intense. Hated the Depths though, and Blighttown, Blighttown I actually skipped the descent unknowingly due to having the master key.
no I play offline too. I find PVP annoying most of the time. Also I don't want to pay a monthly fee for something I barely would use.
Nope I mean the zombies right up that first set of steps.
Oh man blighttown is my second favorite part of the game. The royal archives are my fav. Blight town isn't hard but you really want to take it slow and cautious. Unlike most areas the enemies start creeping towards you from a distance. If you wait for them you can take them one or two at a time.


Feb 2, 2019
Basel, Switzerland
@Rockyrepose i am cheesing shamelessly some times, like the capra demon for example. Don’t think I have actually cheesed/exploited something else in Dark Souls. Feel for example shooting poison arrows and running to be a legit strat, or plunge attacking mobs like black knights.
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Apr 16, 2014
Bryan, Texas
For any FPS gamers on here who are HALO fans like me the new series was released today on Paramount Plus and it's really awesome!



Might Stick Around
Feb 13, 2022
Can vouch for elden ring, it's the best Souls game yet. (Though thematically, I liked the whole Lovecraft/Victorian horror thing Bloodborne had going for it better)

Peter Turbo

Oct 18, 2021
For any FPS gamers on here who are HALO fans like me the new series was released today on Paramount Plus and it's really awesome!

View attachment 135987

The action was cool but the writing and acting from some (most) of the cast was abysmal (and I've sat through Star Trek Discovery AND Wheel of Time). Any other criticisms I have ill refrain from typing out since I don't want to spoil anything but yeah, a big let down all around.


Jun 16, 2021
Spencer, OH
I very rarely play video games. And I mean very rarely, like once in a while every couple years. Only ever something on my laptop, I don't have any of the fancy game stuff.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 7, 2022
Flagler County, Florida
Oh man that thing. A wonder and a disappointment. Seemed like the games you really wanted it to do something with it didn't and the games you didn't need help had the most cheats. Though for many people that thing was essential.

nope and that's a lot of the fun. Compared to the other From Software Soul games it's clear cut, which is to say. It's a mystery but at least the hints aren't totally oblique. In the other games the mystery was for the second play through. Elden ring got me hooked right away.
I have about 35 hours logged.

I like the game, it can be tricky.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 17, 2022
I play anything... 28 years old, I grew up during prime time.

I've toned down lately because I don't have time with the garden and making electronic music, and I randomly got addicted to watching soccer about a year ago... And these blasted forums.

I was heavily into FFXIV. When I snagged a PS5 a year ago Demon's Souls was the first game I bought, also the first game I played on PS3. Absolutely love it. I also liked Returnal, Persona 5, God of War, Monster Hunter, Spider-Man... The list goes on. I am a bit of a Japanese system junky (PlayStation/Nintendo).

However like previously stated, I don't have the time. What I do have is a fat PS2 with a hard drive attached and games that are more gamey than most modern games combined.

Pretty quick to load, no microtransactions, it doesn't feel like you're moving a literal human being with full existential rendering, and very gamey. Oh did I say no microtransactions? I hate that nonsense, it's destroying gaming.

I haven't purchased Gran Turismo 7 because of the MTX and fact that the disc is basically a useless digital license. If you're not connected to the internet you can't play 99% of the game.