Anyone else feel wierd about smoking an estate pipe?

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Aug 28, 2013
Whether you're effete, grumpy, or a living angel, keep spending your hard earned money on stocking up tobacco. Don't buy estates, don't bid on ebay. You'll be much happier (or maybe it's me that will be happier)



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Because someone throws down a word that could affect you, doesn't mean that you have to pick it up and put it on.
That said, I'm an expert in my own opinions about estate pipes, and if any of yous dissagree with me... then good. Diversity is good. I have of an issue with smoking certain brands of tobacco than what pipe I use. But, I'm weird.

Pipes are fun, tobacco is fun, and life is fun.



Jan 25, 2016
I wasn't really looking for anything specific. These were my first estates and I didn't expect to have any negative feelings about them. I was just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 20, 2015
I am a hard working blue collar middle class texas man, and hey, There are times I wish to buy brand new 200 to 300 dollar pipes, but I can't, but a high quality estate briar pipe, yea I can probably afford that, with a little bit of tlc, the pipes can be restored, I belive every one has their preferences and i think that on this matter we all need to agree to disagree, we joined pipes magazine because we all have one thing in common and that is that we love pipe tobacco and pipes.



Sep 14, 2015
What are you, a shrink?
I'm not a shrink...I'm not that rigid. Technically, I'm a greenhouse assistant/anthropologist specializing in studying human behavior, superstition, belief in magic, comparative religion, perception, human artifacts and technology.
Why would you even have a theory about something this mundane?
Because it was right in front of me and really only took about half a second. My mistake, it would be a hypothesis.
@Bobwills- If you are religious, have them blessed. You won't be creeped out anymore. If you aren't religious, but believe in ghosts, then it is the spirit of the previous owner who is mad he can't smoke them anymore. In that case just tell him he is dead, he needs to go to the light and that they are YOUR pipes now. If neither of those apply, realize life is short, you are lucky to have nice pipes and smoke away. If that doesn't work then yes, give them to your friend.
This IS a strange thread.



Can't Leave
Mar 2, 2016
Some of my first pipes were estates. Just for the pricing of them. I sometimes revisit an estate in my collection, the more well loved it was, the more I smoke in, I think the previous owner would like that. I hope that when I'm gone, someone wll love and cherish my pipes that way I have.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 23, 2015
Smoking estates doesn't bother me. I have probably half a dozen of them, and 3 of them are in my regular rotation.
Very, VERY high-proof moonshine is my pipe cleaning solution of choice. When I get an estate, I give the stem a good cleaning inside and out with that stuff and it's good to go.
As far as the psychological aspect of it being a used pipe, it really doesn't bother me. I've dated divorcees on more than one occasion :D



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I'm gonna bet that the largest percentage of estate pipes that come from actual dead people are mostly found at yard sales and antique stores. While we all know the value of these things, most widows and family members don't, even if dear ol grandpa constantly told them. Who listens to old men? Ha ha. The vast majority of pipes on the estate market are from guys like us that trade in a dozen or so old pipes to get that Castello or Becker. Or, a pipe guy quits because of his heart or going into a nursing home. And, many more come from found stock from long closed pipe shops. I just don't see that many old widows running ebay stores. And we all tend to avoid ebay sellers that also have old shoes, or books, and chess sets on them.

So, unfortunately, the likelyhood that an estate pipe is from a real life dead person is highly unlikely. Just my $0.02



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I knew this thread would go sideways as soon as I saw the header. Gotta love it! Used pipes, used threads, ghosts, germs, expanded vocabularies, making nice, making not so nice, amateur psychology, pick-nicking at the necropolis, it's got everything!



Jan 17, 2010
woodlands tx
Now it has everything .



May 28, 2015
I'll smoke an estate pipe happily.
But if you use my toothbrush, I don't care HOW MUCH you clean it... It's your fucking toothbrush.

Dec 24, 2012
I had a similar issue with my wife recently when I gave her a pair of earrings that I bought from a guy on the street corner and they still had the lobes attached.

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