Anyone else feel wierd about smoking an estate pipe?

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Aug 25, 2016
My theory is the estate pipe reminds one of their mortality and impending demise.
Probably an accurate theory. Since I have some possessions which are several hundred years old, and have probably had several now-deceased owners, I don't worry about it.
I recently bought my first few estate pipes. Once I cleaned them up and smoked them a few times, they feel like "mine." Also, one of them, I purchased from the original still-living owner, so the "dead man's pipe" aspect does not come into play. Even so, the others still feel very much "mine."



Feb 13, 2015
If that were an accurate theory, wouldn't anyone who doesn't lovingly embrace estate pipes be paralyzed into agoraphobia by every other antique or heirloom they own?



Feb 6, 2013
@mayfair- #1- Thank you for not going off on an educational germ rant that is completely beside the point of this thread. I truly appreciate that. #2- I don't believe that anyone was casting any aspersions toward those who enjoy estates; I believe, in fact, that your suggestions have all been followed, to the letter, before you even mentioned them. I think a guy (bobwills) was simply inquiring as to wether or not anyone else shares his feelings about estate pipes, NOT about PEOPLE WHO ENJOY ESTATE PIPES.
@aldecaker -- Why the grumpy responses to those who don't share your view on why smoking estate pipes is, or isn't, weird?
The question asked was, "Anyone else feel wierd(sic) about smoking an estate pipe?" An entirely reasonable response to this question is, "No." It's also plausible that the no might come with a rationale. This is how we have a dialogue.
While it is true, that a number of folks feel unsettled about the provenance of estate pipes, and get the heebie jeebies when they think about smoking them, still others choose to avoid estates because of perceived health risks. Again, conversation about all of the above, is probably germane to the original question.
I guess I could have answered the question with, "No." But that wouldn't have engendered much response.
-- Pat



Feb 15, 2015
"Estates are gross, especially Castellos."
I hate all of mine. Have another on the way right now.
"This conversation can take pipe ghosting to a new level!"
Great post.
"Just because I have the money doesn't mean I need to spend it. I don't care. I have nothing to prove. Period."
Yes indeed



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
Hi Pat,
Good to see you. You provide a reasoned balanced voice to threads like this. I really like that.
So, I'll go a different route.
If we're going to search for the deep and possibly troubling psychological reasons behind usedpipeophobia perhaps we should be examining issues besides the fear of mortality. So many speak about not wanting their lips to touch where another man's lips have touched. First off, good luck with that unless your partners are all virgins. But back to the question, could this indicate a fear of "secondary" intimacy. Think secondary smoke, but with sequential bodily contact. Could this suggest a fear of the "love that dare not speak its name"? Hmmmmmm?
Or could it be that some find the idea distasteful and just leave it at that.



Feb 6, 2013
Hi Pat,
Good to see you. You provide a reasoned balanced voice to threads like this. I really like that.
So, I'll go a different route.
If we're going to search for the deep and possibly troubling psychological reasons behind usedpipeophobia
Oh please, for the love of puppies and all that is good in the world, let us not. I just came back, the last thing I need is a double-down on humanity.
-- Pat



Feb 13, 2015
Let's try and get something straight here. I have not made a single "grumpy response" to anyone based on whether or not they share my view. Not a single one.
I grumped at Swilling because he called me "effete" because I don't share HIS love of estates. Would you like to be called "effete"? And yes, I expect an answer to that question, from you directly, Pruss. It is not a rhetorical question.
I pointed out that it is strange to get extremely off-topics responses unrelated to the subject at hand.
I agreed with Warren on "to each their own", and told Swilling why I was so serious, and it had nothing to do with pipes, estate or otherwise.
I responded to Andy about nothing to do with pipes. I mentioned that I thought the constant germ thing was weird, and mentioned NOTHING about estate pipes or pipers.
You get the picture. Why don't you go ahead and show me where I have "grumped" at anyone because they disagree with me about estate pipes, since you've already accused me of it?



Feb 15, 2015
"None of the effete posters ever eat at restaurants, no doubt."
It was a freaking joke. Touchy, touchy, "Why so serious?"

Clearly, in context, this is directed at the germ issue. Since you have blown long and hard on your objection not being germ related, and have gone on and on that you never objected on the basis of the "germ angle,"

tell me how this relates to you in any way? You cannot, if taken at face value. So by definition, this had nothing to do with you, but you won't just let it go. Regardless, it was a freaking joke. I will apologize to any who are grossed-out by estate pipes as my attempt at humor fell flat. There is no cause for argument over this simple issue. I apologize, as I have OCD and I am a germ-phobe as stated. I do have one pipe, a vintage Comoy, I got from Russia or the Ukraine or wherever and all I could think about was bacteria resistant tuberculosis. That one got a double-dose of Everclear. Love the vintage Comoys.
It is one thing to read something, and another to comprehend it.



Oct 15, 2013
There is a dark ceremony you can perform before smoking an estate that extracts the soul of previous owner before you smoke it. No problems after that.



Feb 13, 2015
So now you're backpedaling and saying only the ones with germ issues are "effete"? Read all the posts leading up to yours. No one cited germs as a reason they don't like estates. You seem to be the one with shit-poor reading comprehension. Which ones are the "effete" posters? Go ahead, name them.
The way it relates to me is that you can't mention not liking estates without the estate-pipe prosyletizers assuming it's some "germ issue" and launching into some spiel to allay your non-existent germ fears.



Mar 7, 2013
This sort of degenerative thread is EXACTLY why people leave threaded forums.
With the pipe hobby being attacked daily from without, we sure as hell can't afford to let OUR stress fracture it from within.



Feb 15, 2015
One or more of the posts mentioned cleaning and I responded to the follow-on posts that were germ related. Others clearly made the same assumptions. Regardless, I am out of this thread. I don't care what pipe anyone buys, I just hope they enjoy it. And I agree with the notion that we should not be arguing, it is a discussion, not an argument.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 13, 2016
Lancaster PA
I love it, and for the same reasons Crash the Gray and others pointed out. I like thinking/imagining where the pipe has been and who smoked it. I also fly fish with a lot of old and used equipment for the same reason. I like things with a history. And I hope that some day when I'm gone, my fly gear and pipes will still be used, 'cause Lord knows I won't be needin' them anymore!



Feb 6, 2013
Why don't you go ahead and show me where I have "grumped" at anyone because they disagree with me about estate pipes, since you've already accused me of it?
No thanks. Your posts are all up there ^^^ you can read them without me cutting and pasting them.
As to how I'd react to being called, "Effete," I think I'd probably chuckle to myself at the humour in that assumption/accusation/inference and then move on. I've been called way worse by Peck... He once accused me of being an aromatic smoker, and then spent a year trying to convince the forums that another forum member and I were the same person. It's a good thing I didn't take all that too seriously.
Seriously though? I perceived that your responses were grumpy. This had everything to do with your use of pointed questions, rhetorical and otherwise, your occasional use of ALL CAPS, and a general tone of frustration that pervades much of your responses in this thread. Whether or not you are actually grumpy is yours to own, but that's how I'm reading you in this thread.
$0.02 in the bucket used to collect money for my next estate pipe.
-- Pat



Feb 26, 2015
Slidell, LA
Let me get this straight. The problem with estate pipes has nothing to do with germs or other cooties from the previous owner.

Would I be correct in presuming that there is a fear of a pipe being haunted by the previous owner (and not by something like Black Frigate or Royal Yacht) and you don't feel an exorcism would remove the possible spirit?
About half of my pipes were rescued from flea markets or antique/collectible malls and shops. They have all been cleaned and sterilized - a couple of them to the point where I had to break them in again. I even have two which have brand new stems.
For me, this is about personal choice and I choose to smoke "estate" pipes.
As for the original post, if you are "weirded out" by smoking an estate pipe, well that is up to you.
But let me ask this?

What type of discussion were you expecting when you made the original post?

Were you only looking for opinions that agreed with yours?



Feb 13, 2015
Grumpy, yes. Grumpy because they disagreed with me? No. I'm not going to do any cutting and pasting, either.



Feb 13, 2015
@pappymac- I don't think the original poster caused any of this ruckus. He actually only made three posts, and they were all incredibly innocuous.

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