Again, im not getting into it here, but.We did it in the UK after the shooting at a primary (elementary) school in Dunblane in 1996. The overwhelming majority of people supported it, and still do. I am proud of the UK's strict gun controls. We look upon the pond in utter dismay.
Gun crime has certainly not ended, and we have still had mass shooting since. These are incredibly rare, and we genrally feel safe enough without the need to defend ourselves and our family without a fire arm.
This is very tough.
99.9% of what you have heard is untrue, and I can prove it.
It would be interesting to do a bit of research to see which country has more violent crime, the US or the UK. I believe you will be shocked.
And please, do NOT use MSM for information.
The FBI and CDC are a good start.
There are several nonpartisan groups with good information.
One political party in the US will do ANYTHING to win on this topic.
Our countries Attorney General just used absolutely and verifiable false propaganda to issue an emergency health crisis over firearms. But it is an absolute no go from Congress and the SCOTUS. He knowingly lied to get what he wanted.