Any EDC CCW'ers?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 24, 2024
New Mexico
And here I thought I was on the large side when I carry my 629-4 Mtn Gun…

N Frames, oh yeah!
l picked up this 629-3 MG last year. It came with Ahrend’s boot grips. I added the Hogue X frame monogrip.

I usually carry a S&W J frame. Either a steel framed .357 magnum or an aluminum framed .38 Special, depending on the circumstances.

@Model 29, I like that plated 29.



Nov 26, 2018
I'm not homicidal. But I know if I have a gun on me, I might "accidentally" discharge it. So, I don't carry. But at the same time, I never put myself in a situation where I might need a gun. I mean, everyone has right to go where they want to go. But I wouldn't go into downtown of near by town where occasional shooting happens. Absolutely have nothing that I want there.
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Jan 7, 2023
Casa Grande, AZ
I didn't mention it in my above post, it didn't really go with the message I was trying to give.
But, this is a different post. :)
I edc either a Glock 20 in 10mm or a Ruger GP 100 three inch .357 magnun.
Many of my fellow instructors dig on me for not carrying the ever popular 9mm......of which I have many.
My thing has always been carry the most effective tool you can effectively handle.
15 yrs ago I didn’t bother with 9, but today’s 124gr ammo is nice.
Having been an instructor for a minute myself, I’ll carry anything I’m proficient with.
Rule number one of gunfights: have a gun.
Rule number two: you cannot miss fast enough to win a gunfight.
If you survive to rule number three: “I thought I was going to die” is the ONLY statement you make. If pressed further (and you will be), state you’re severely shook (because you thought you were going to die) and need the aid of counsel.

I'm not homicidal. But I know if I have a gun on me, I might "accidentally" discharge it. So, I don't carry. But at the same time, I never put myself in a situation where I might need a gun. I mean, everyone has right to go where they want to go. But I wouldn't go into downtown of near by town where occasional shooting happens. Absolutely have nothing that I want there.
And that’s your right as well.

Just remember-when seconds count, the police are just minutes away😉


Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 18, 2023
Western NY
I'm not homicidal. But I know if I have a gun on me, I might "accidentally" discharge it. So, I don't carry. But at the same time, I never put myself in a situation where I might need a gun. I mean, everyone has right to go where they want to go. But I wouldn't go into downtown of near by town where occasional shooting happens. Absolutely have nothing that I want there.
I will not get into this too much here, but......
Being in the firearms community for a few decades, I cannot tell you how many times I've heard from people who USED to think like you, but now have had a 180 degree turn around.
Bad thing happen to good people in good areas everyday.
Here's something to think about, that you won't here on the news.
Firearms SAVE lives between 500,000 and 2,500,000 times every year in the US alone. In 99% of the self defense situations where a firearm is used, there is not a round fired.
And, 94% of mass shootings are in "gun free" areas. Places that "appear" to be safe by most people.
And finally, the vast majority of deaths from firearms are committed in urban areas by bad guys who are disqualified from owning a firearm and did not purchase the firearm legally.
Concealed carriers commit less crimes than police officers, judges, lawyers and even clergy.....absolutely true.
As far as hurting yourself, as long as you follow the four rules of firearm safety, its not possible.


Jan 31, 2011
Here's something to think about, that you won't here on the news.
Firearms SAVE lives between 500,000 and 2,500,000 times every year in the US alone. In 99% of the self defense situations where a firearm is used, there is not a round fired.

The primary (but by no means only) way in which the "MSM" routinely lies is by omission.


Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Firearms SAVE lives between 500,000 and 2,500,000 times every year in the US alone. In 99% of the self defense
Where did those numbers come from? More import6antly how does one measure "what" didn't happen? Is your statistician really saying between half a million and 2.5 million times a death definitely would have been the result. How would one determine such? I'd sure like to see where the statistician got the numbers.


Sep 12, 2020
Spain - Europe
In Spain, there was a case a few months ago. A special police group, here they call it, Guardia Civil. Some drug traffickers, in the seaport, province of Cadiz, with a very powerful boat, to escape from the police, passed over a small boat or rubber boat, at night, killing two guards, injuring other colleagues. Since our shitty government forbids these cops to use their firearms, because it has to be proportional to the attack of the narcos. It is sickening. I am in favor of families being able to defend themselves with guns. Something that here in Spain is an impossible dream. This special group is called G.A.R. The Moroccan Government, floods Europe with drugs, through the Spanish borders. Along the southern borderand also an unprecedented Islamist invasion.


Jan 31, 2011
Where did those numbers come from? More import6antly how does one measure "what" didn't happen? Is your statistician really saying between half a million and 2.5 million times a death definitely would have been the result. How would one determine such? I'd sure like to see where the statistician got the numbers.

I'd be interested to know the source of those particular numbers as well.

But I do know for certain that there are continual incidents such as @Sig describes that are almost never reported in the "MSM" ... including and especially the instances in which the presence of a firearm alone prevents an escalation that would otherwise have likely resulted in violence.

I'm not a big fan of the NRA (imo they seem to have functioned more as controlled opposition than anything else) but they have published countless such stories in their magazine over the years (don't know if they still do).

PS: there have also been a number of accounts that would have been mass shooting events over the years (usually only reported in local media) but the perp was taken out by either an armed security guard or a private citizen...but the "MSM" either doesn't report these or downplays the manner in which it was resolved.
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Dec 29, 2010
Pacific NW
It would be nice if instead of trying to disarm all citizens, our government would do something to take the homicidal psychopaths and sociopaths off our streets. Start perhaps with animal abusers, who are very often sociopaths training themselves up for a career as a serial killer.
You're right, torture and killing of small animals is the biggest predictor of a future mass murderer. I was just looking at a report on this due to a recent local incident (cat killed by 5 minors in Salem, Oregon)


Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 18, 2023
Western NY
Where did those numbers come from? More import6antly how does one measure "what" didn't happen? Is your statistician really saying between half a million and 2.5 million times a death definitely would have been the result. How would one determine such? I'd sure like to see where the statistician got the numbers.
Those numbers come from the "Journal of Quantitative Criminology", a very respected, peer reviewed journal on crime. And backed and cited by the FBI and CDC as well as the "Crime Prevention Research Center". There are 500,000 reported, and law enforcement and others know about how many go unreported. You can go read the study to find how they got the numbers. My take is that due to knowing the facts behind actual deaths by firearms, they can assume a certain number of these incidents would have ended in a shooting. Every shooting has the great possibility of death. Looking back at it, the stats are actually between 500,000 and 3,000,000. This includes police and gun fights where the good guy wins. As well as just "pulling", or showing a firearm to a bad guy. Also includes home invasions, burglary, robbery, rapes.....Law enforcement knows how these usually end when the good guy does NOT have a gun, and how it goes when the good guy DOES have a gun.
Its not easy to get these numbers, thats why the big spread. Many encounters are not reported.
Just the presence of a firearm often de- escalates a situation and most are not reported when it just ends with a brandishing of a firearm and the bad guy fleeing.
There are some really good youtube channels that show defensive firearm videos form CC cameras. It happens WAY more than you think. These stories, with videos are VERY abundant. When have you seen them on the news? The MSM has them available. :)
Working with cops over the last few decades I can tell you I have never heard one say its a bad idea for citizens to have a firearm, not one. And they deal with this every day. When I go to an event.....firearm shows, competition events, dealer seminars......there is no end to the stories of people using a firearm for self defense.
Again, this comes from several respected and peer reviewed sources and very easy to find and read for yourself.
I personally have had to use a firearm n self defense. It was from an 800 pound inland grizzlie, but without the gun, I would be dead.....the bear was not killed, just scared.
Finally, there are endless stories about people using a firearm to defend themselves you can read online. Many women who would either be dead or seriously assaulted, if you know what I mean, without a firearm.
The part I posted about consealed carriers being more law abiding than cops, judges and clergy is also from a peer reviewed journal and I can personally attest to that anecdotally. Form working with CCers for decades, I know they go out of their way to obey the law. Their right to own a firearm is in constant peril from the powers that be.
Im done with this thread, this isn't the place. But I guarantee that most of what you hear is untrue.
Just a teaser......the USA is not even close to the country with the most mass shootings......I believe number 25 to be precise.


Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 18, 2023
Western NY
In Spain, there was a case a few months ago. A special police group, here they call it, Guardia Civil. Some drug traffickers, in the seaport, province of Cadiz, with a very powerful boat, to escape from the police, passed over a small boat or rubber boat, at night, killing two guards, injuring other colleagues. Since our shitty government forbids these cops to use their firearms, because it has to be proportional to the attack of the narcos. It is sickening. I am in favor of families being able to defend themselves with guns. Something that here in Spain is an impossible dream. This special group is called G.A.R. The Moroccan Government, floods Europe with drugs, through the Spanish borders. Along the southern borderand also an unprecedented Islamist invasion.
There has never been a good outcome when a government has disarmed its citizens. Do some research on how these situations have historically ended.
And THIS is precisely why the US has its 2nd amendment.


Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 18, 2023
Western NY
I'd be interested to know the source of those particular numbers as well.

But I do know for certain that there are continual incidents such as @Sig describes that are almost never reported in the "MSM" ... including and especially the instances in which the presence of a firearm alone prevents an escalation that would otherwise have likely resulted in violence.

I'm not a big fan of the NRA (imo they seem to have functioned more as controlled opposition than anything else) but they have published countless such stories in their magazine over the years (don't know if they still do).

PS: there have also been a number of accounts that would have been mass shooting events over the years (usually only reported in local media) but the perp was taken out by either an armed security guard or a private citizen...but the "MSM" either doesn't report these or downplays the manner in which it was resolved.
ACCORDING TO THE FBI, there have been 11 known possible mass shootings stopped in the US by citizen carriers just in 2024 so far.
Just recently a lady in Baltimore was at a party with her 6 year old son. A guy walked in with a rifle and yelled something about killin everyone. She pulled her legally carried handgun out and ended the incident after the guy got two rounds off from his AR with a full magazine.
Another one where a guy sitting in front of a convenience store waiting for his wife saw two masked guys walk in the store with shotguns. The guy used his CC weapon to stop whatever the bad guys were going to do.
We all have maybe heard about the dude in Texas that took a long shot with his AR to stop a guy who already killed several people.
Or how about Eli Dickens? He stopped a guy in a mall with his Sig p365 at 40 yards. Eli was 21 and had his carry permit for a week.
I could go on for awhile with recent stories......
Ok, NOW im done with this thread!! :)


Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Lotta a supposition or, loose extrapolation from various sources going on I think. As a command officer, in what the Bureau considers a "large" police department, filing crime statistics to the Bureau monthly was one of my responsibilities. I'm sure much has changed in the years since I retired but, making up or imagining out-comes of incidents was certainly not part of the exercise. I'm only guessing here but, I suspect some organization(s) is/are "polling" or soliciting information and then doing a lot of manipulating, supposing, and just plain making up a lot of totals for support of their position. A cop can't write, I'm sure there are some, what he "thinks" might have happened in his report. But, I also know, the Bureau used a lot of definitions of incidents which didn't make sense to us "street" folk. They did this in order justify a lot of the moneys they were given annually. I really love to see the numbers which are "not easy to get."
Many encounters are not reported.
How can they be included if not reported?

I all seems to be some sort of orchestrated effort by some pro-firearms group. I, as maybe a minority of one, find it all suspect.

The individual incidents cited above by Sig I'll buy into. American Rifleman and such post them monthly and they are, theoretically, reported from reputable sources, cited sources.


Can't Leave
May 25, 2021
Peebles, Scottish Borders
There has never been a good outcome when a government has disarmed its citizens. Do some research on how these situations have historically ended.
And THIS is precisely why the US has its 2nd amendment.
We did it in the UK after the shooting at a primary (elementary) school in Dunblane in 1996. The overwhelming majority of people supported it, and still do. I am proud of the UK's strict gun controls. We look upon the pond in utter dismay.
Gun crime has certainly not ended, and we have still had mass shooting since. These are incredibly rare, and we genrally feel safe enough without the need to defend ourselves and our family without a fire arm.


Jan 7, 2023
Casa Grande, AZ
We did it in the UK after the shooting at a primary (elementary) school in Dunblane in 1996. The overwhelming majority of people supported it, and still do. I am proud of the UK's strict gun controls. We look upon the pond in utter dismay.
Gun crime has certainly not ended, and we have still had mass shooting since. These are incredibly rare, and we genrally feel safe enough without the need to defend ourselves and our family without a fire arm.
And if situations change for the worse to where you as an individual do decide that you need arms to protect yourself (be it from criminals or tyrants) then what?
Defense against criminals at an individual level is an important, yet secondary component of a right those on this side of the puddle found imperative to call out as guaranteed.

I typed up a bunch on the different perspectives those bred as citizens have as opposed to those bred as subjects, but this is not the forum for that debate.


Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Things I have heard lately indicate that it is outright illegal to defend oneself in the UK from any kind of assault. Dunno how much truth there is behind the anecdotal accounts.
I carry a "walking stick" when visiting Ireland or the UK. And, you are allowed to defend yourself in both places. Firearms are not prohibited. Closely regulated yes but, prohibited? No.

A proper walking stick (shillellagh), properly used, is a great, defensive weapon. Of course so is a ball point pen, a pocket knife with proper knowledge, pepper spray, and many other handy implements. Totally relying on a firearm can be very limiting in many situations.