I really like cheap ballpoint pens over those more expensive, like Monte Blanc. I am familiar with how a Mont Blancs write, and I still prefer a cheap ballpoint.
I have a shelf full of $100 to $200 lighters, and I still prefer a Bic over all of them.
I will wear my $300 shoes to church or on business, if I have to impress someone, but I fully admit that they are not nearly as comfortable as my four year old Nikes. And, if given the option, I'd much rather wear flip flops or go barefoot.
But... I don't go to penmakers websites and start discussions about free ballpoint pens.
I generally just avoid the threads here concerning lighters, unless someone wants to know something about one that I happen to own. But, I don't post on every lighter thread that I use a Bic.
And, I certainly don't go to Men's Fashion Sites and post my love of flip flops or going barefoot.
Not, that there is anything wrong with cobs. If you like cobs, you are not a freak. It may be a little freaky to be so damn adamant about cobs. And, maybe posting on the higher end pie threads that everyone should have a cob is a little over the top.
I'm really glad that you know what you like. And, you could own thousands of them at the prices they go for. You are lucky. Enjoy your cobs, and think about what you've done here.