Granger came up, so I report the historical fact that my father smoked it all day, every day, increasingly, from the age of 15 to the age of 65 when he quit cold turkey for a second career campus job he enjoyed. His smoking Granger included the time he was skipper of a YMS minesweeper in the Philippines during WWII. After that, when I arrived, I personally observed this all-day smoke, such that when I took up a pipe in my thirties, I pretty much knew the drill just from watching him. In most other cases, I take the idiom all-day smoke as a way of saying a blend is well tolerated, not a nicotine bomb, and not full of bite. You could smoke it all day, if you do that. My dad did. He smoked it only from the foil pouch, and on the rare occasions when someone gave him a tub, he'd fill his foil pouches from the tub. He only owned one functioning pipe at a time, until burn-out, then buy another at the newsstand in the lobby of his office building.