My most recent acquisition.
Wolfgang Jellinghaus Torres replica SE 77. Spruce top, cypress back and sides. Currently strung with gut trebles and silk basses. A smaller guitar with 61cm string length, but has a big sound.
I also have an Esteve Torres, an Esteve 9F flamenco, a 1977 Yamaha GC7m, and a 1982 Takeo Koba. All classical.
Wolfgang Jellinghaus Torres replica SE 77. Spruce top, cypress back and sides. Currently strung with gut trebles and silk basses. A smaller guitar with 61cm string length, but has a big sound.
I also have an Esteve Torres, an Esteve 9F flamenco, a 1977 Yamaha GC7m, and a 1982 Takeo Koba. All classical.