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Feb 13, 2015
"That’s why it was once a “conspiracy theory” that there was any such thing as organized crime. And it can operate with the cloak of socialism just as easily as with the cloak of capitalism."
The simple, almost intuitive truth of this statement makes it mind boggling that our political landscape has become polarized between Communists and robber barons. And yet, here we are.



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
The manure all piled up in one corner of the field is the result of organized crime, not Capitalism.
And isn't Organized Crime capitalistic? Aside from the legality of the practices used, what's the difference? Aren't drug lords entrepreneurs, looking to amass capital and yield influence? If it hadn't been for the capitalistic goals of Organized Crime, would Las Vegas be anything more than a truck stop? I'm not saying that Capitalism is criminal, just that criminals can be capitalists. Wasn't a former bootlegger our Ambassador to Britain?



Feb 13, 2015
I'm pretty sure all the corruption that went on in the former Soviet Union, and still goes on in China, Venezuela, and every other socialist workers' paradise is capitalistic as well. It tells me that capitalism is for the elites and socialism is for the stooges, because that's exactly how those governments function in practice. I'm thankful to live in a country where even us stooges get to practice a little capitalism.
EDIT: And yes, our former ambassador to the Court of Saint James was a criminal, who spawned an entire family of criminals.



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
He was, in effect, a compassionate libertarian. However, he disagreed with many about how to achieve that result. He pointed out in his research that many government programs that were intended to alleviate income equality had perversely the opposite effect, including minimum wage laws and farm price supports. He famously advocated the negative income tax has a far less distortionary approach to address the issue of income inequality.
Peck, I'll have to go back and read up on Friedman again. It's been a while.
And yes, our former ambassador to the Court of Saint James was a criminal, who spawned an entire family of criminals.
You just had to go there? Sheesh!



Feb 13, 2015
Well, you brought it up. By the way, which ambassador were you thinking of? I know I didn't mention any names.

Dec 24, 2012
By the way, which ambassador were you thinking of?
I assume Joseph Kennedy who made a considerable fortune from illegal bootlegging during prohibition. His bootlegging partners on the Canadian side of the border, however, were legitimate business folks who started a liquor empire called Seagrams.



Jul 30, 2016
Vegas Baby!!!
Kennedy was also a terrible ambassador, but let's not get into politics.
Btw, why do people get offended about the price of anything? Is it like a weird dick measuring contest in their shriveled ego of a mind?



Jan 31, 2011
mind boggling that our political landscape has become polarized between Communists and robber barons. And yet, here we are.
Exactly...my Gangster’s better than your Gangster.
And isn't Organized Crime capitalistic?
If your definition of capitalistic ends at profit seeking I suppose. Perhaps you could call them “crony capitalists” or some such variation, but they’re certainly not free market capitalists. They hate competition and love centralized control. Protection rackets...forcing people to pay with threats of violence. Or if you own and operate a regulatory agency then just put your competition out of business.
Socialist and Communist systems pose no threat to them because it’s centralized control.
You can’t get all the shit in one corner without centralized control.
We used to have terms like anti-trust, racketeering, bribes, etc. Funny how you don’t hear those anymore...I guess it’s all just lobbying now.



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
Well, you brought it up. By the way, which ambassador were you thinking of? I know I didn't mention any names.
I brought up an interesting, and to me amusing, historical fact, not an ad hominem attack on generations of a family. There is actually a difference. BTW, which family where you thinking of?
You can’t get all the shit in one corner without centralized control.
Well, I wasn't talking about all the shit, just one ton of it. An individual could do that without centralized anything. It's more about differences in how individuals see the business of business and nothing to do with different economic models.
Btw, why do people get offended about the price of anything? Is it like a weird dick measuring contest in their shriveled ego of a mind?
I'm not a mind reader, but my guess is that it has to do with a frustrated desire to experience a much coveted and hard to find blend that has been speculated into the financial stratosphere, beyond one's ability to obtain. That angst used to be pretty much restricted to Penzance or faded out tins of Balkan Sobranie. It's not logical.

May 4, 2015
my guess is that it has to do with a frustrated desire to experience a much coveted and hard to find blend that has been speculated into the financial stratosphere, beyond one's ability to obtain.
I think that's giving people far too much credit. My assumption is the folks who are most vocal about resale "gouging" get off on outrage and have no interest in obtaining these blends regardless. I'd wager most just want to be uppity and in every else's business.

Oct 7, 2016
, I said Pipestud gets a "free pass" for selling fresh tobacco at markup when eBay sellers get a bad rap. I never said he gets a "free ride"
Point taken. eBay is just a knights of the keyboard whipping boy.



Feb 13, 2015
"I brought up an interesting, and to me amusing, historical fact, not an ad hominem attack on generations of a family. There is actually a difference. BTW, which family where you thinking of?"
I was thinking of Walter Hines Page and all his rotten progeny, of course. Who on earth were you thinking of?



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
I think that's giving people far too much credit. My assumption is the folks who are most vocal about resale "gouging" get off on outrage and have no interest in obtaining these blends regardless. I'd wager most just want to be uppity and in every else's business.
That being the case, it's just a waste of irreplaceable lifespan.



Can't Leave
Oct 8, 2017
Does anyone remember when 4nog used to put a spending limit? I remember being about to buy a tin of Sobranie only after I spent $50 min on other things in the order. Spend X amount and get access to the rare blends. Kept in stock for a while longer anyway.

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