The opinion isn't that people would stop selling, but that prices would be lower. Buyers set the price, not sellers. With any market, an item is worth what someone is willing to pay for it, not what someone is asking for it. If buyers want lower prices all they need to do is to decline to pay high prices. But as there are always people willing to pay high prices for something hard to find, or out of production, those will continue to be the prices asked. If these prices are a wound, it is a self inflicted one, especially where the item is not a necessity, but a luxury.Another angle is not to blame the people selling, but too blame the people buying tobacco on eBay. There is an opinion out there that if people quit paying the inflated prices on eBay, sellers will quit selling
All of this secondary market action is a fairly new phenomenon. Whether it continues, or turns into another tulip mania remains to be seen.