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  1. dillydallydan

    The smell of the briar.

    Okay now I'm worried. All of my pipes smell of pipe tobacco. I don't smell any wood odor at all. Must be doing something wrong. Again.
  2. dillydallydan

    Anyone spend time with an unlit pipe?

    When deciding upon which pipe to smoke, I sometimes trial fit one or three of them in my mouth to see which bit happens to fit best at the moment. Then I load that one up. If I just sit around with an unlit pipe in my mouth though, I tend to start drooling... not a pretty sight.
  3. dillydallydan

    Total Guy Stuff

    Nice to see that after so many years of liberal PC crap defining what men should be, there has been some resurgence of the concept that there is virtue in aspiring to become a "manly man". Your TGS site fits right in with that trend. You should target ads from suppliers of tobacco products (duh)...
  4. dillydallydan

    Routine Tobacco Pipe Cleaning (With Video)

    Loved the video Bob. I am one of the guys who uses isopropyl alcohol. You can get it at regular (70%) and nearly pure (97%) at my drug store. I use the 97%. Of course isopropyl alcohol will absorb water from the air until it is about 70% concentrated, so you have to keep the cap on the bottle...
  5. dillydallydan

    Walgreens Tobacco

    Thanks for the backup Phil. - Dudley
  6. dillydallydan

    Walgreens Tobacco

    You know, that Tobacco Reviews is very informative. At least I thought so until I looked up all my favorite tobaccos to discover they sucked. Taste is subjective. I've never tried any Walgreen's tobaccos, but obviously some people must enjoy them.
  7. dillydallydan

    How do you keep the stem good looking

    Hey Bytor - thanks for the link on the micro mesh. I was looking all over for that stuff.
  8. dillydallydan

    Pipe cleaning and polishing.

    Anybody ever try baking soda? Works great.
  9. dillydallydan

    Flavor you own?

    I'm with you RJ. I sprayed some PA with bourbon. It's thinking about what to do next. I'm gonna smoke it when my eBay pipe arrives (if it ever actually does). How bad can it be? It smells grand!
  10. dillydallydan

    Favorite Writers, Books, Subjects.

    Quite an eclectic mix of interests I would say. For me, it's all non-fiction, except for some special classics such as, "The Black Obelisk" (Eric Maria Remarque) and "The Winds of War" )(Herman Wouk), stuff like that. I collect rare books, mostly history. My favorite is a set of books detailing...
  11. dillydallydan

    Flavor you own?

    You have got me interested in this now. You know my wife and I bought her grandma's farmhouse about 20 years ago. When we moved in we discovered that the "family' had gutted the place and took everything of value, leaving only a 50 lb bag of DDT in the garage, AND two bottles of whiskey - which...
  12. dillydallydan


    I still have the Sheffield pipe tool I bought 40 years ago when I started smoking. I always run the knife blade round the bowl. I thought that was what it was for and that everyone did that. My dad and grandpa did. By the way, MY Sheffield pipe tool is way cooler than the one in the picture. It...
  13. dillydallydan

    Flavor you own?

    I'm wondering why you couldn't dump booze on your tobacco... (seriously). I do know that as far as booze goes, the flavor is all in the non-volatile components - so although some of the lightest flavor molecules would certainly make it to the tobacco by exposure to the evaporating alcohol, I...
  14. dillydallydan

    E-bay jackpot...

    Bytor, RE: "Do any of the other e-bayers get annoyed with the whole feedback thing? I have only had one seller that left positive feedback for me (as the buyer) before I have left their feedback." I don't have much experience on eBay, but on the one item I "won" recently, the seller posted...
  15. dillydallydan

    E-bay jackpot...

    This REALLY makes me unhappy that I tossed my grandfather's pipes out a few years ago. Beautiful job Bytor!
  16. dillydallydan

    Why do I think this is funny?

    To answer the question - no, I don't know why you think that blog is funny! But humor is obviously subjective. I don't know why I think it's funny when idiots fall off their skateboards onto a stair railing. My wife not only finds seeing people fall of skateboards to be completely unfunny, she...
  17. dillydallydan

    Kansas Anti-Tobacco Legislation May Be the Next Dumb & Dumber

    I agree with that view - support the locals whenever possible. I went to my closest B&M for the first time yesterday (20 + miles away). I usually shop local as we have an old fashioned hardware store a couple miles away that sells everything from tacks to firearms and tobacco to jerky. The...
  18. dillydallydan

    Kansas Anti-Tobacco Legislation May Be the Next Dumb & Dumber

    When governments use taxation to regulate personal behavior, we are in deep doo-doo. In Britain the same thing is happening, but at least the government there admits they are trying to get people to stop smoking by making it too expensive to continue. I really do worry about politicians...
  19. dillydallydan

    E-bay jackpot...

    remarkable improvement on a very nice pipe.
  20. dillydallydan

    Getting Your Butt Kicked on eBay

    I think you got a good deal there Bytor. I used some of the stem maintenance tips provided on this site to work over my old stems and I was very pleased with how much better they looked. Forget who posted the suggestions (maybe you?) but if you have any doubts as to how to proceed with the...