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  1. dillydallydan


    I am amazed to discover that it it legal to refuse to hire someone because they choose to smoke. I can see an employer refusing to allow smoking on his property, but what people do away from work obviously should not be considered in their employment qualifications! I don't think you would have...
  2. dillydallydan

    Savinelli Pipes

    All of the pipes shown have at least one thing in common. I want them! Beautiful pipes. I will be adding a Savinelli to my herd of pipes someday soon.
  3. dillydallydan

    Cake Soap & Brush, Aerosol Can, or Lecktric Shave

    Count me as a soap and brush man. I used to travel extensively for business, and it was really nice to be able to carry my shaving stuff in my carry-on bag regardless of the latest TSA knee-jerk regarding carry-on items. A quality brush will not lose bristles when you lather up, and I find I...
  4. dillydallydan

    Remedies for tongue burn.

    Good information here. That bit by cortezattic really clarified some stuff I sort of knew by experience, but never really thought about with respect to the chemistry of it. I know one thing, next time I'm in Wal-Mart I'm picking up some aloe juice!
  5. dillydallydan

    Getting Your Butt Kicked on eBay

    Well... all of the above has been VERY interesting. I sort of combined all of the ideas, and you will all be thrilled to know that I WON an auction for the first time on eBay about 1/2 hour ago! The Pipe... I hesitated to post the entire info regarding the auction, because I would hate to...
  6. dillydallydan

    Getting Your Butt Kicked on eBay

    I have spent the last couple of days trying to buy some estate pipes on eBay. The auctions go right down to the last second with nothing happening, then all Hell breaks loose, followed by an email saying something to the effect of, "too damn bad, you lost. Bid more next time", or something like...
  7. dillydallydan

    Sorry everyone

    See? First try to send that got me the "you need to put in some content first pal!" message. Maybe this will go in one try...
  8. dillydallydan

    Sorry everyone

    Interesting topic. Whenever I try to comment in a forum, I have to double-clutch the send button. Sometimes it takes three tries before the message sent confirmation arrives. The rest of the time I get a message saying, "you have to enter some content first", or "try again". Honestly I push the...
  9. dillydallydan

    Welcome new members. Introduce yourselves.

    Hey rs442 - I'm a newbie on this site also, but may I be the first to welcome you! This is a great place to share info and have a laugh. See you around!
  10. dillydallydan

    Grow Your Own Tobacco

    Awesome info. I will be spending some time at those sites. Thanks guys.
  11. dillydallydan

    Grow Your Own Tobacco

    Anyone been growing their own tobacco? Maybe everyone already knows all this stuff, but I found the below site to be quite interesting. I especially enjoyed the article on how to build a kiln. Anyone have experience doing this? Grow Tobacco
  12. dillydallydan

    My favorite E-tailers

    Additional sites noted and shall be investigated fully. Thanks Jonesing and dudley.
  13. dillydallydan

    A Note from the Owner of this Site

    I agree with all of you. I come here for fun and information. If I wanted to have an argument I'd talk to my wife.
  14. dillydallydan

    My favorite E-tailers

    This was a great topic. I am always looking for sources of pipe stuff. We have one smoke shop within 50 miles of our place, and it's 20 miles away. So internet is good. Thanks again.
  15. dillydallydan

    Cleaning Meerschaums

    Try this link: Meerschaum cleaning tips
  16. dillydallydan

    Anti-Smoking Activist need to get priorities, and lives.

    I also am frustrated with the government do-gooders deciding how and where we can smoke. On the other hand, I do understand non-smokers wishes to avoid exposure to second hand smoke (whether it is harmful or not). I view smoking in public the same way I look at any personal behavior in a shared...
  17. dillydallydan

    Tinderbox Review

    I used to shop at Tinder Box shops, back in the day. I found them to be magical places and always enjoyed my visits. By the way, I appreciate the extra effort some of you guys go to to put links into these posts. Makes it real easy to go see what you are talking about!
  18. dillydallydan

    Tobacco recipe favorite

    My grandfather smoked PA and that is what I am smoking at the moment. Not only do I enjoy the aroma and flavor, but I am always reminded of the great times I had with my grandparents many many years ago.
  19. dillydallydan

    Tobacco recipe favorite

    My grandfather smoked PA and that is what I am smoking at the moment. Not only do I enjoy the aroma and flavor, but I am always reminded of the great times I had with my grandparents many many years ago.
  20. dillydallydan

    finished new pipe

    Beautiful finish work on that pipe. Very cool. Thanks for posting it!