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18 Fresh Mastro Geppetto Pipes
3 Fresh Chris Asteriou Pipes
12 Fresh Tsuge Pipes
48 Fresh Nørding Pipes
2 Fresh Micah Redmond Pipes

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  1. jonesing

    Official Stuff

    One last clarification from me before I depart. Everyone should understand that from my perspective this is not at all about a Pipe of the Year and the ownership's prohibition of it. I really don't care much about that. It's about taking napalm to your crabgrass. The way people react and...
  2. jonesing

    June 2010 - What are you Smoking?

    Lancer's Slices/Cowtown Poker
  3. jonesing

    PAD Purchases

    I accidentally bought this pipe last night. I was just killing time on Ebay and ran across it gettign ready to end. Handmade registration # Stanwell which means it's at least 30-40 years old. It caught my eye because Pulver's Briar had one like it that sold for $45. I recall thinking that's a...
  4. jonesing


    Alright. Enough for a quorum and to make it worth messing with. I'd suggest we agree on the following. 1) Cut off for interest. I suggest August 15th. People are committed by Aug 15th and no new ones can get in unless Tim wants to extend it. Objections? Alternatives? 2) We'll go with the...
  5. jonesing

    June 2010 - What are you Smoking?

    Bald Headed Teacher/Luciano Dublin Sitter
  6. jonesing

    June 2010 - What are you Smoking?

    Lancer Slices/Cowtown Poker
  7. jonesing

    Free Pipe Tobacco Sample - Altadis

    You'll know for sure in about 3 years. Not sure what "system" they use. But it certainly makes for a nice surprise when you get something. I doubt they are overly picky about sending 2 different samples. I read something that they are looking to this samples program as one of their key...
  8. jonesing


    Oh yeah everyone and I misspoke. The price wouldn't be $100. Tim tells me he could make a pipe as outlined below for $80. 1) Plateaux briar (you could luck into a straight grain!) 2) Hand turned Ebonite Stem 3) Delrin tenon 4) Delrin shank insert 5) Shank extension in choice of the...
  9. jonesing

    Apple Blends?

    Here are some others C&D Apples and Cream C&D Hard Cider Cavendish available direct from C&D and maybe elsewhere. Stokkebye Black Currant Cavendish Solani Green Label
  10. jonesing


    Howdy all. I know that other similar forums do a pipe of the year. They solicit an artisan pipe maker to craft a pipe specially for the members. I've kicked this around with Raftergtex who is an active member here and a hell of a pipe maker. I speak from experience being lucky enough to own...
  11. jonesing

    This is a Royal Flush?

    Uh oh Rafter. Marty just started a 15% off Italian unsmoked pipes sale today. Would put the Becker you love at under $500 closer to 4.
  12. jonesing

    June 2010 - What are you Smoking?

    Crowley's Best/Luciano Dublin Sitter
  13. jonesing

    This is a Royal Flush?

    Rafter: That one is "only" five-and-half from Pulvers. What are you waiting for? Of course you did just get rid on one on Ebay right? Who's next on your great pipemakers tour?
  14. jonesing

    PAD Purchases

    Yep Jay I paid $80. P&C has 3 other Pease shapes still available for that price. Really belongs more in PAD desires vs Purchases given I'm never going to buy one of these at these prices. But over at P&C they also have Collin Rigsby pipes and this is a Dublin Sitter that rocks IMO. Of course...
  15. jonesing

    June 2010 - What are you Smoking?

    Dude you're smoking shrooms? I'm on my way. Actually no shrooms in it right? Just named after some Tolkien thing? Mid soemthing pipeweed series from Just For Him? I'm curious as to how it compares to Boswells Northwoods. I think they are in a similar vein. Aromatic "english".
  16. jonesing

    This is a Royal Flush?

    One would think "Royal Flush" is the highest grade pipe Becker makes. Apparently not. A basic Royal Flush is defined as straight grain and difficult/inventive shape. I'm not sure why you'd want spiral carving on straight grain myself. But then again he's Paolo Becker and I'm building piles...
  17. jonesing

    June 2010 - What are you Smoking?

    Jonesing's Bloody Mess/Mario Grandi Poker
  18. jonesing

    beginner needs help

    Xenfon... There are many options and to cover all of them and their implications would likely just further confuse the issue. I'll cut to the chase and recommend you buy a Savinelli Duca Carlo pipe available at Pipes and Cigars.. I can't recall ever hearing of anyone being dissatisfied with...
  19. jonesing

    Dr. Grabow

    Frank, I don't know from Grabows. But it looks like one key difference is screw together vs. push bit. I assume the screw togethers have some kind of metal stinger.
  20. jonesing

    May 2010 - What are you smoking?

    Jonesing's Bloody Mess/Mario Grandi Poker