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Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
There have been some suggestions lately for having official stuff, like a tobacco blend and a pipe of the year. While this is somewhat flattering, it is not in our plans to do so at this time.
I've heard that other forums have a pipe of the year. I know that pipe clubs have their own tobacco blends. I'm sure we could arrange to have these things done.
However, the activities of producing products with the name on them are not part of our mission as a business.
Our business model is focused on providing articles, news, information, advice and entertainment to the pipe smoking community. It is to have an online hangout for pipe smokers to chat with friends, share information and be entertained. It is to try to bring new, younger adults into the pipe smoking hobby.
We prefer to leave the marketing of pipes and tobaccos to the makers of these products and want everyone to enjoy as many of them as possible.
That said, please be aware that we cannot have unauthorized production of any type of goods or services with the name on them. is copyrighted intellectual property and represents a brand that I have created and continue to mold.
The development of a brand is a combination of many different factors, and anything that has it's name becomes part of the message and image of the brand.
Anything that is developed, produced, marketed or distributed with the name or likeness must either be owned by or licensed by Right Click Media, LLC and authorized by Kevin Godbee.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 26, 2010
I'd better cancel that order for ladies panties that I was hoping to peddle in the B/S/T forum



Mar 27, 2010

As a business man with a marketing background myself I totally understand your point, however I hope you take our desire to have a pipe or tobacco associated with and named after as a compliment to your creation.
One more thing on a more personal note, I hope you don’t mind if a few of us old farts hangout here and support your sponsors while you try to attract new and younger adults into the pipe smoking hobby.
Don't worry... like we use to say back in the day... it’s all good!




Mar 27, 2010

As a business man with a marketing background myself I totally understand your point, however I hope you take our desire to have a pipe or tobacco associated with and named after as a compliment to your creation.
One more thing on a more personal note I hope you don’t mind if a few of us old farts hangout here and support your sponsors while you try to attract new and younger adults into the pipe smoking hobby.
No worries like we use to say back in the day… it’s all good!




Mar 27, 2010

As a business man with a marketing background myself I totally understand your point, however I hope you take our desire to have a pipe or tobacco associated with and named after as a compliment to your creation.
One more thing on a more personal note I hope you don’t mind if a few of us old farts hangout here and support your sponsors while you try to attract new and younger adults into the pipe smoking hobby.
No worries like we use to say back in the day… it’s all good!




Mar 27, 2010

As a business man with a marketing background myself I totally understand your point, however I hope you take our desire to have a pipe or tobacco associated with and named after as a compliment to your creation.
One more thing on a more personal note I hope you don’t mind if a few of us old farts hangout here and support your sponsors while you try to attract new and younger adults into the pipe smoking hobby.
No worries like we use to say back in the day… it’s all good!




Mar 27, 2010

As a business man with a marketing background myself I totally understand your point, however I hope you take our desire to have a pipe or tobacco associated with and named after as a compliment to your creation.
One more thing on a more personal note I hope you don’t mind if a few of us old farts hangout here and support your sponsors while you try to attract new and younger adults into the pipe smoking hobby.
No worries like we use to say back in the day… it’s all good!




Mar 27, 2010

As a business man with a marketing background myself I totally understand your point, however I hope you take our desire to have a pipe or tobacco associated with and named after as a compliment to your creation.



Mar 27, 2010

As a business man with a marketing background myself I totally understand your point, however I hope you take our desire to have a pipe or tobacco associated with and named after as a compliment to your creation.
One more thing on a more personal note I hope you don’t mind if a few of us old farts hangout here and support your sponsors while you try to attract new and younger adults into the pipe smoking hobby.
No worries like we use to say back in the day… it’s all good!




Mar 27, 2010

On a more personal note I hope you don’t mind if a few of us old farts hangout here and support your sponsors while you try to attract new and younger adults into the pipe smoking hobby.
No worries like we use to say back in the day… it’s all good!




Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
jcsoldit - I may be an old fart too in chronology ... but it's all relative.
You really are as old as you feel, or act, and in my case it's about 23, even though I've been around for 46 years. (My dad is 79 and pushing 27 himself.)
Every pipe smoker is welcome here, especially the ones that want to welcome more pipe smokers to join us.
"Old fart" is just a frame of mind and it isn't bad or good. Whatever makes you happy makes me happy, and if we ever make a licensed product it just might end up being "ladies panties" as jayh said.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 26, 2010
Kevin = diplomat
I could have imagined any of this being handled in 100 different ways, none of which were as pro as this
I'm sure everyone here understands what you are trying to do.
That said, in a lot of regards a forum (even one with high owner participation) can become a complex and somewhat independent community very quickly. No one was trying to step-on-toes or go beyond anyones control. I can say as a pretty young guy, having a community as small and personal in a place as large and impersonal as the Internet makes a huge impact on becoming a piper. Having been here a few months it's obvious that everyone has truly innocent intentions on furthering that community and it's easy to feel so at home that we forget it's provided by an organization with it's own inherent risks goals and vision.
Thanks for being a pro Kevin (and Bob).



Mar 9, 2010
Tampers, Pipe pouches/holsters, pens... Relly, just good deals from your sponsors :)



Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
jayh - well said. I'm glad you understand. I'm glad people enjoy this site and have fun here. In the midst of all the enjoyment the site brings it appears it is easy to forget that I am running a business here.
Most of you guys probably have jobs. You go to work and get a paycheck. is my job.
This site is not a hobby. It is a professional, commercial endeavor that Bob and I work very hard at. (Chelsea is hard at work too and you will be seeing more from her soon.)
I am not mad at anybody. I am actually flattered. I completely understood from the beginning that this was being done as a fun thing amongst internet friends, and that no one intended on making money from it. However, it is still something that would become an "official" item that was not actually official since it was not desired by the owner of the name, and had none of the owner's input.
Intentions were good, but it was not an area we wanted to be involved in right now.
I now return you to our regularly scheduled programming, and I am going back to crafting new content for the site.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 22, 2009
Kevin, we all appreciate this great site you and Bob have created. I came here because I felt comfortable here and enjoyed the articles. You are the hardest working man in the pipe site biz, and we love you man.



Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
Phil, your post got caught in the spam filter and I just noticed it and published it now, so this is why I am just responding now.
phil said - If someone is offering a service without “turning” a profit to help with that "FREE" advertisement, I would think that it would be respected and appreciated…
I guess it’s all about the money...
While this is a commercial endeavor, and how I earn a living, which I am sure you know I have the right to do, this situation had nothing to do with money.
It was 100% about maintaining control of my own brand and my own business.
I do not understand how anyone would feel they had the authority to conceive of any type of item with my website's name on it without even having a conversation with me about it. If you can take a moment and put yourself outside the situation, and put your feelings aside, perhaps you will realize that it was a mistake to direct an endeavor with someone else's name without their input whatsoever.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 22, 2009
I believe you are right, in that the site is advertisement enough. I come here for tobacco reading, history, fellowship, and a little fun.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 11, 2010
One last clarification from me before I depart.
Everyone should understand that from my perspective this is not at all about a Pipe of the Year and the ownership's prohibition of it. I really don't care much about that.
It's about taking napalm to your crabgrass.
The way people react and communicate is quite telling of character and intellectual maturity. Overreaction indicates a lack of both to me.
All that was required here was a quick email that said something like "Rick, hey man we can't use the brand on a POY right now. But maybe you can still make it work without any perceptions of sanctioning or association with the magazine?"
I'd have said. "Hell yes Kevin. Makes perfect sense. Sorry for any confusion. We'll clarify."
Instead I got an email that was condescending, pompous, and in general sounded like a kid playing dress up attorney. If I wanted a lecture I'd call my mother.
I just thought it was important to clarify that my departure from this forum for greener pastures isn't about the pipe. Not at all. It's about principal and an expectation of respect from vendors I do business with.
No hard feelings. It's not important enough for that. I just choose to vote with my feet.
So without further drama I bid you all adieu.
It was fun while it lasted.
BTW: Several of us are now communicating elsewhere. If you'd like to join us just shoot me an email.
Thank you and goodnight.



Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
Since Rick said my email to him "was condescending, pompous, and in general sounded like a kid playing dress up attorney", here is the text of it.
Hello Rick,
I have an issue with the POY thread. I wish you would have run it by me first. I appreciate your initiative, as I perceive it as being done for the love of the site and the community there.
However, this cannot proceed. We cannot have unauthorized production of any type of goods or services with the name on them. is copyrighted intellectual property and represents a brand that I have created and continue to mold.
The development of a brand is a combination of many different factors, and anything that has it's name becomes part of the message and image of the brand.
Anything that is developed, produced, marketed or distributed with the name or likeness must either be owned by or licensed by Right Click Media, LLC.
This is nothing personal against the pipe maker, the pipe specifications and style you chose, but decisions regarding anything that will have the name of a carefully crafted brand can only be made by the brand owner.
I am not mad at you, but I am running a business and need to maintain control of the branding of it.
You are a valued member and participant on the site, and I don't want to embarrass you in public, so I am not sure how to deal with the thread now.


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