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  1. E

    Orlik Golden Sliced

    Received a bit of this in a sampler and LOVED it. I really enjoyed the citrus notes, they were very apparent to me. Had some Earl Grey tea with a second bowl and it was even better. Plan of stashing a tin to age for later.
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    New Members, Introduce Yourself!

    For some reason, I thought they would have prevented smoking at the Academies. Go Navy!!
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    Free at last!

    I'm trying to find a job- retirement is most likely a myth for me. I remember my Dad telling me about how his father worked for Con Edison his entire life, had the same office, regular raises, Christmas bonuses, etc. I don't think that world exists much anymore.
  4. E

    What do you suggest as a good morning smoke?

    Prince Albert has worked well for my first smoke of the day. Just started smoking Dunhill Early Morning Pipe as well. A nice cup of tea seems to marry well with EMP. Coffee with the Price.
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    Jesper of Denmark

    I'm still working on the first bowl! Looks like my girlfriend made a good choice. :puffpipe:
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    Jesper of Denmark

    Thanks for the information.. Hopefully, the image works.. Thanks
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    Jesper of Denmark

    Workin on it... :oops:
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    Jesper of Denmark

    I received a new pipe for Christmas, a freehand Jesper of Denmark. My first freehand and I am enjoying it very much. Does anyone have any information on this manufacturer? I can't seem to find too much mentioned online about them. So far, it is smoking wonderfully. Thanks..
  9. E

    Bookstore find

    Enjoy- nothing like a great book and the pipe.
  10. E

    Carey Magic Inch

    Smoking one now. It does take a bit of the taste of the tobacco off, due to the extra air. Still playing with it. It may work best when I smoke a heavy English blend, that may be a bit much much for me normally. Mine seems to smoke well, the Briar seems to be a good quality and it looks nice. My...
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    DR.Grabow Estate Pipes?

    I have purchased several estates. I have found them to be fine, some smoke better than others, but if you are a new smoker or just want to save $$$, they are fine.
  12. E

    New Members, Introduce Yourself!

    Hello, I've been learning to smoke since last Feb. and am just now getting it down so I can actually enjoy it. My collection includes some Dr. Grabows, a Peterson 317, Cobs, Carey Magic Inch, Dunhill from the 60s and a Calabash. Just received a Jesper freehand for Christmas, which is quite fun...