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  1. Yadkin1765

    FVF - Curious First Impressions

    I don't really have much to say about this flake in way of a review (except two thumbs skyward), but I put forth a few notes on my experience and thoughts: I rubbed out about half a flake and sequestered it for about a day in an empty tin to let it breath and off-gas some of its moisture, then...
  2. Yadkin1765

    Pan Searing Fish

    If you want a proper sear, dry both sides with paper towels before salting (kosher salt is best), after salting both sides, let the salt work some more moisture from the flesh (10-30 mins), then pat dry again. This is the most important step for a nice even crust. Removing moisture reduces the...
  3. Yadkin1765

    What are You Reading Now?

    Just finished The Great Gatsby, halfway through The Art of Fielding, bout to scoot into Founding Brothers.
  4. Yadkin1765

    Your All Time Favorite 3 TV Series

    Woodwright’s Shop BBC Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Ways of Seeing OR Civilisation
  5. Yadkin1765

    #400 Superior Navy Flake by Newminster

    Second this sentiment. Delicious pure clean tobacco flavor. Nothing over the top, but a real baseline for what true pure tobacco tastes like and smells like in the barn. Good, bready, yummy. A favorite.
  6. Yadkin1765

    Pipe Lover from China says Hello to You!

    Welcome from Maine.
  7. Yadkin1765

    Favorite Shakespeare Character?

    As my first impulse, I'd have to second this. So many of his characters are so psychologically well conceived, and their actions so tied to the natural fortunes and errors of their lives and personalities that I cannot but help feel humbled by the mind which dove so deep to: first, comprehend...
  8. Yadkin1765

    Cutty Madness. Match 5.

    Number 2, for sure. 1 has a nice artistic aesthetic and a spectacular grain, but there's a little too much going on. 1 is spectacular for sure. But number 2 has as good a grain as number 1 without being loud. It is classic and artistic, clean and daring, bold and confident in its shape. It knows...
  9. Yadkin1765

    Favorite aromatic flavor

    Plum and rum
  10. Yadkin1765

    Pipe Smoker vs "Guy who Smokes a Pipe"

    Spoken like a true devotee. Cheers
  11. Yadkin1765

    Pipe Smoker vs "Guy who Smokes a Pipe"

    I don't really bind my ego to these sorts of labels and things (or at least I try not to). Someone might call me a radish, but that doesn't say much about me as it speaks volumes about the other. I often cringe at how quickly people are to categorize, group, and label themselves and others now a...
  12. Yadkin1765

    Virginia Blends Recommended by ... ChatGPT

    It's definitely not "woke," though that narrative is being pushed so people can rally against it. Rather, in properly done evaluations of the thing, it produced varying results, and sometimes even refused to provide results. Oftentimes, it refuses to produce results because they are informed by...
  13. Yadkin1765

    Silly Jokes

    “What’s the difference between a duck?” The lead up stands much as its own punchline. But, for sake of it, the answer is. “One of it’s other legs is exactly the same as it’s self.”
  14. Yadkin1765


    I’ve heard people say this, but haven’t seen any fair examples of it beyond random variations in the programs response. Can you point me to any studies or articles on this? I always thought it really couldn’t help but function quite independently of it creators (unless literally programmed to...
  15. Yadkin1765

    On Smoking Slowly and the Benefits...

    Great point here. Get good flavor from the get go by not scorching the leaf by trying to build a massive cherry, instead grow comfortable with intermittent delicately delivered relights as needed.
  16. Yadkin1765

    Reading and Smoking......[chooching?]

    They go hand in hand, reading and the pipe. They enhance each read in its own way, imparting mysticism to fantasy, historicism to historical nonfiction and biography, mysteriousness to mysteries, and so on. Basically, it magnifies the central aspect of every read. Pure magic.
  17. Yadkin1765

    Cutty Madness. Match 3.

    Number 1: it has a perfectly graceful progression through the stem to the bit. And the cant and proportions of the bowl is just right. Beautiful piece.
  18. Yadkin1765

    The Palate Issue

    I tend to think of the "breathe method" mostly as a tool to manage the ember. If the ember's fading I use it, if the ember's too strong, I pause on smoking, then use it gauge it's strength, I use it sparingly in every bowl, or if I'm busy while clenching. But, no doubt, employing it can greatly...
  19. Yadkin1765

    The Importance of Pipe Sweetening

    I think it's not only the cleaning, but the "three or four" efforts to get into it. You're becoming well practiced.