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  1. MikeCifone

    ***What Are You Smoking, July 2022?***

    So, I finally broke down and got C&D's Haunted Bookshop. Well, for the first time I could not finish a bowl of tobacco, dumped it out, and had a serious bout of dislike. I don't like this stuff, like really don't -- at least not after the initial try. What am I missing? Can I be convinced not to...
  2. MikeCifone

    Hello from Los Angeles

    @anotherbob: indeed, the draw is an automatic habit, like a certain other thing (!) you mentioned...
  3. MikeCifone

    Hello from Los Angeles

    @Honkytonk Man: thanks so much for dialing in, and hello there from the other side of the Pacific! LA is just over the other pond (15 hours later of course)... Yes, for English on the lite side try Peterson Early Morning Pipe or even My Mixture. For a silky and moderate English definitely...
  4. MikeCifone

    Hello from Los Angeles

    @cigrmaster: ok I am starting to pay attention to the order of operations a bit, since I tend to let things fly by me without thinking (since "thinking" is my job, whenever I'm not on the job, I totally stop thinking: which is letting the philosophy sap the life out of you, rather than letting...
  5. MikeCifone

    Hello from Los Angeles

    @Bob the bear: the Isles are, for me, like the home of pipe smoking, as in, the very place where the Definition and Model of Pipesmoking exists. Have you come across the YouTube videos of Malcome Guite? If there was ever someone with the spirit of the Shire in the body of a true poet and Man of...
  6. MikeCifone

    Hello from Los Angeles

    @beardedfancyman well, I hafta travel about 1 to 2 hrs before I get really nice n cold weather (into the mountains here, which, during the "winter" in LA I can see on my way to Burbank, snowcapped -- it's quite a majestic and endlessly fascinating site to behold, I must say). But the nights...
  7. MikeCifone

    Hello from Los Angeles

    I like your Latin quote, which I couldn't (being honest) translate without some help (though I studied some Church Latin as a kid) ... what's the source?
  8. MikeCifone

    Hello from Los Angeles

    Thanks man, very sound advice. Indeed the packing is key. But one question I had was about that ash component of the deal: do you dump the top layer out, and then tamp, or leave it alone and tamp that down? I've tend to do the latter, and it seems to be good. When I try dumping out and then...
  9. MikeCifone

    Hello from Riyadh

    Welcome from Los Angeles! We need to get you set up with a tobacco runner out to the Gulf…
  10. MikeCifone

    Ni hao from Philly

    Welcome from Los Angeles! I’m headed back to Philly, where I grew up, this Thursday. So what’s the best shop in town, and what should I look out for? I found a couple shops in NJ that I might check out…
  11. MikeCifone

    Ni hao from Philly

    Being from Philly that’s the correct response, although Joe’s on South Street is highly placed ;)
  12. MikeCifone

    Hello from Los Angeles

    Indeed, everyone is really helpful here and super enthusiastic. Really delightful. I moved from NYC area to Los Angeles almost exactly one year ago (although I’m headed back to Philly Thursday for a couple weeks). I lived in the Bronx then escaped to Westchester Cty (New Rochelle). I really...
  13. MikeCifone

    Hello from Los Angeles

    Tell me about it! Just got a large shipment in from, with Presbyterian Mixture ... and oh was that one absolutely delicious. I've also got waiting for me HH MB's Old Dark Fired, along with C&D's Haunted Bookshop (I had to get it since everyone seems to talk about it), and plenty...
  14. MikeCifone

    Hello from Los Angeles

    Thanks @OldWill ! I avoided all of the sciences of biology and chemistry like the plague, although I did do quantum and relativity (also in grad school, and as part of my diss.), so go figure... Beyond the hydrogen atom, things get pertty dicey ... but I had a bunch of friends in P-Chem and the...
  15. MikeCifone

    Hello from Los Angeles

    @anotherbob I haven't a clue: something about a barrel, a lantern, public nudity, or a dog ... maybe John Bull, but that's not clever enough...
  16. MikeCifone

    Hello from Los Angeles

    @Ag®o Ciao! So what are y'all smoking in Italy these days?!
  17. MikeCifone

    Hello From Austin

    @Arnuld Welcome and happy piping :) (btw a good friend and neighbor of mine does jewelry for Arnold over in Santa Monica; he's a really nice guy.)
  18. MikeCifone

    Hello from Los Angeles

    @spartacus I have Capstan on the list!
  19. MikeCifone

    Hello from Los Angeles

    @mso489 Indeed, it is idyllic at least abstractly (!), and certainly has a downside (having to sequester physically and emotionally in order to think, then, with struggle -- at least for me -- to write). But I am comfortable with lots of alone time (and prefer it), much to the chagrin, I'm sure...
  20. MikeCifone

    Hello from Los Angeles

    @warren99 Yeah, I've always been attracted to a more contemplative frame of mind, and the pipe is just natural. I'm told that Kant smoked a bowl of tobacco with hemp seeds -- "crackling tobacco" -- just at the start of his day. My day tends to become a whole pipe day unto itself, in pursuit of...