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  1. jrharrigan

    Why Transfer From Round Tin to Mason Jar?

    i'm smoking some dunhill blends that i bottled in 2006. if i left the tobacco in the tin i would have gone sawdust dry in 2006.
  2. jrharrigan

    Bulk Tobacco vs. Tins

    i buy bulk when it makes sense, then everything goes into mason jars. don't overthink it.
  3. jrharrigan

    Jim's Sutliff Uno Review.

    i wait with bated breath.
  4. jrharrigan

    Jim's Sutliff Uno Review.

    Is this going to be for sale everywhere, or does someone have the sole right to sell it?
  5. jrharrigan Discount Code

    P&C has a 15% off code listed on their site. I dutifully ordered $105 worth of tobacco to make the minimum, then plugged in the code. I was told the code was successfully applied, and I went to check out. Of course the code wasn't applied. This is the 5th or so time this has happened. As a...
  6. jrharrigan

    Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake

    I did what passes in my mind as a review of Pirate Kake here. There's a story too, if you're bored. TL/DR: I like Pirate Kake quite a lot. It might be the only C&D blend that I like.
  7. jrharrigan

    Example how to NOT ship tobacco....

    whoever did this should be outed, then banned. this is all kinds of unacceptable.
  8. jrharrigan

    Missed Out On Syrian Latakia

    I'll just echo what others have said. There just isn't that much of a difference, and latakia blends are my favorite.
  9. jrharrigan

    How Many Tobaccos in Active Rotation?

    I have the Essential 15, and maybe another 30 jarred and on my desk.
  10. jrharrigan

    Must Have Bargain Priced Pipe Tool!

    I just offered $1. The offer was insta-declined. Ebay told me I would have better luck if I offered $112.
  11. jrharrigan

    Sutliff Sale - Are You Hitting This One?

    In for 6 lbs of the BlackHouse/WhiteKnight bulks. I wish it could have been more, but I am running out of places to put it.
  12. jrharrigan


    tucson checking in
  13. jrharrigan

    Are Most Pipe Racks Made Wrong

    If anything most are just too damn small. They seem to be made for the 1935 pipe smoker.
  14. jrharrigan

    What are Your Favorite Youtube Channels at the Moment ?

    Check out the crazy bald guy who reviews tobaccos and tells stories.
  15. jrharrigan

    ***What Are You Smoking, November 2021?***

    I think Jim smoked more different tobaccos last week than I have in my entire life.
  16. jrharrigan

    Peter Stokkebye PS 400 Luxury Navy Flake

    I review a tobacco every week. These are not detailed reviews a la JimInks, but does he include a story with every review? Didn't think so. At any rate, this week it was Peter Stokkebye's Luxury Navy Flake, and a story about how I have had a traditional difficulty holding on to jobs. There...
  17. jrharrigan

    Come for the Fusilier's Ration Review

    But stay for the story about the lunatics who lived next door to me during the Western PA years. Bad fences do, in fact, make bad neighbors.
  18. jrharrigan

    How to Pack Cellar for Moving Cross-Country.

    when i moved *to* tucson my pipe tobaccos were generally just packed in boxes like anything else would have been. the cigars were more difficult. all of them went into coolers. that all said you can feel free to drop off anything that just can't fit. hell...i'll even pick them up.
  19. jrharrigan

    Video Reviews with a Story to Boot. This Week: Orlik Dark Strong Kentucky.

    Hello everyone, I haven't mentioned this yet as I wanted to get a few in the tank before I pointed anyone to this. So there's a few now. Have a look if you would like to hear a minimal tobacco review and a story about something amusing. I hope you are entertained for a few minutes.
  20. jrharrigan

    Shout-out To Es0teric!

    Note to self: Post about running a non-existent pipe club and get word out to the nice Esoterica people.