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3 Fresh Chris Asteriou Pipes
48 Fresh Nørding Pipes
4 Fresh The French Pipe Pipes
12 Fresh Ser Jacopo Pipes

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  1. G

    Mac Baren & Sutliff - Buying up what's left, looking to the future.

    Sounds exactly like what happened after McClelland closed
  2. G

    Best Esoterica/Germain’s Blends I Should Buy?

    Dang, I loved the smell and I have a jar I've been sitting on for a rainy day...
  3. G

    Viprati horn stem - maintenance?

    I thought wormholes was just a description for bite marks. I'm guessing having the previous bite marks polished out didn't help the durability... Thanks
  4. G

    Viprati horn stem - maintenance?

    I have a Luigi Viprati pipe that I've had terrible luck with. First I managed to scratch the rim with a paper towel while wiping some tar build up with, and now I discover I have a giant chip near the button of my horn stem (I don't bite my stem, so not even sure how it got chipped, maybe banged...
  5. G

    Solani Aged Burley Flake

    Dang, I loved the tin I got back in the early 2010s
  6. G

    Solani Aged Burley Flake

    Which blends have people noticed this on?
  7. G

    $10 Ronson Butane Pipe Lighter Review

    Mine died prematurely (a month of use) - meanwhile my 10+ year old Ronson torch is fine so ymmv
  8. G

    Are You Over-Drying Your Tobacco?

    Does rehydrating over dry tobaccos bring back flavor, or once it's gone it's gone?
  9. G

    What Have You Cellared the Longest?

    What would you consider the ideal age? I have some of the butera version I forgot about
  10. G

    Eltang Basic Vs Nording Compass Vs Eltang Poker

    Is the carbon fiber shaft exposed to the heat, or is it set back a bit? Don't really want to be smoking epoxy
  11. G

    Packing a Pipe...

    Does gravity fill only work when tobacco is dry? The tobacco seems too springy to go in on it's own unless it's crispy
  12. G

    Undemanding Blends

    I must be gravity filling wrongly. You literally drop the strands in, push the ends into the pipe and light? How finely do I need to rub them out? It always feels too springy unless I jam it in
  13. G

    Dark Star

    Metal walled pipe and a torch? I have some of the butera version waiting for the right day. I remember wasting a whole tin of dark star and getting only one or two good bowls. I dried it til it got hard, but it didn't really peel apart either. I'll definitely try the cube cut
  14. G

    Nominate An Under-Appreciated Pipe Brand

    Luigi Viprati Also, mastro gepetto
  15. G

    Oh, Look! Another Storage Room Full of Unfinished Stummels!

    Should have let taste test it
  16. G

    Have to Admit I was Wrong, Got a Lighter ?

    I never had good luck with piezo ignition - im corona for me
  17. G

    Getting Consistently Good Experiences With FVF

    I found a "tobacco shop" that had 5-6 year old tins of fvf. Smoked it fine and was so good. Bought a box and used up a lot trying to get it to burn... How fine do you have to rub it out? I feel like it's chunky and doesn't compress together well leaving me with air pockets that don't stay lit
  18. G

    Does Savinelli Offer The Most Extensive Selection?

    When did savinelli start making pipes? I really wish they didn't default to 6mm, the adapter isn't a solution I like. Love 70s savinellis, though. Love their shape catalog, and if I could get a 504/121/904 with flawless briar I'd be the happiest dude.
  19. G

    Smoking Savinelli Filter Pipes Without Filter: Adapter or Not?

    Not a fan of modern savinellis because the adapter is okay at best, and I hated cleaning the chamber if I didn't use it. Cobs without adapters are way too open for me as well
  20. G

    What is Happening to the Rim of My New Pipe?

    I had a rossi from the era where the finished just straight up bubbled off. You'd think savinelli would get pipe finishing down after how many years in business?