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  1. spartan

    The Art of Manliness

    The man's book to manliness. Source: I'm a man.
  2. spartan

    Tobacco Flavored Vodka

    My fav vodka idea is the one that, before bottling, pours its finished product over the bare breasts of models. Haven't bothered looking for it, but would pick it up if I saw it. Aaaaaaaand make my wife drink some. :wink:
  3. spartan


    Walking Dead Season 3 just got added to Netflix. If you haven't seen it yet... I don't know what you're doing with your life.
  4. spartan

    If Looks Could Kill

    Pavers... floor pannels? bricks? Does not compute. Explain! Explain!
  5. spartan

    Some Pipers Need to be Thicker Skinned

    If thicker skin was had, this wouldn't have been posted. It did make for an entertaining read though.
  6. spartan

    What's With My Spiders? A Loving (?) Pair

    Summoning /r/unidan ..... Oh wait. This isn't reddit. Spider love, it's a beautiful thing. Try to take some pics and maybe some entomologist can identify the species for us? I've never heard of spiders in relationships but crazier things have happened for sure.
  7. spartan

    Any Pipers Who Smoke Cigars?

    I'm only a casual cigar smokerand have only found 1 cigar that I absolutely Love. Alec Bradley - black market It's the perfect cigar for me. So damn meaty It's like in eating crispy brisket bits for an hour. It's amazing.
  8. spartan

    So How About a T-shirt Seriously!

    Just write "I smoke pipes" on a white undershirt with a sharpie. Should work.
  9. spartan

    New Box Pass Thread

    Remember when there were a lot more pictures in this thread? Pepperidge Farm remembers. ;)
  10. spartan

    Help Me Like Aro's... Please?

    W.O. Larson Signature blend. Best aro I've ever had hands down. It's light, but it's there, and it's not just one flavoring. I think it's strawberries, orange, vanilla, and caramel all wrapped together to mingle and make something so sweet and delicate and beautiful. It's just the best aro I've...
  11. spartan

    So How About a T-shirt Seriously!

    Since Kevin said he will never have merchandise I don't think this will happen. But it would be cool. Christmas is just around the corner. And the stuff could be picked up by some site sponsors and sold via their website. Making Pipesmagazine's profit smaller but much easier since he will not...
  12. spartan

    Well There Is Blood All Over The Shop Floor

    Well, glad you still have your finger! Has anyone not begged for gory pictures? This is the internet people. I seek visual/high definition knowledge.
  13. spartan

    Kyle Black - CAPTURED!

    @briar I'm almost speechless. You're a butthead. Edit: How the hell was the name "BRIAR" not freaking taken already? Seriously?
  14. spartan

    Nicotene Levels?

    You'll get used to the nicotine and develop a higher tolerance to it over time. You just have to smoke very slow and maybe only smoke after a meal. Less food and water in your system will lower your tolerance substantially. Glad you're enjoying it off the back with the Captain though. He is...
  15. spartan

    Care and Feeding of a Meerschaum Falcon?

    She's a beauty! Now have fun shopping around for various bowls to use haha.
  16. spartan

    Can I Smoke With a "Bitten" Tongue?

    Tongue Bite = Hurts while you're smoking, like eating spicy peppers, It's a chemical reaction and will go away in a few moments or minuets. Will not last days. It's a very temporary feeling. If you eat a pepper will your mouth hurt tomorrow? No. Tongue Burn = Just what you think it is. You've...
  17. spartan

    Hey Everyone. Been Away for More Than a Bit.

    Most truckers I see are excellent drivers. It's all the other assholes who think it's ok to hop in front of a truck that takes some time to start and stop that are to blame. Welcome back Toker.
  18. spartan

    The Beauty Of A Lucky Smoke Break

    Yes. For me it's more looking for a social situation in which it's acceptable for me to smoke my pipe. Finding circles of friends and acquaintances that aren't pregnant or do not like any type of smoke is hard. But when it happens I'm the life of the party. No smoking at work for me. :(
  19. spartan

    Auto Designer/Pipe Smoker Passes

    Those sideburns! Almost Mutton Chops. Also I totally dig those bell-bottom suits haha. People should wear more stuff like this.
  20. spartan

    Smoking Pipe for 2 Days - A I Just Not Used to It?

    You want to let us know which blends you've been smoking and which have given you the spins? It'll take time to figure out how to properly pack, light, smoke, and keep lit your pipe. Pack loose. ( you can always make it tighter with your tamper if needed) Smoke slow. (This is so you will not...