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  1. spartan

    The Chameleon Named Nicotine (New Article from Russ)

    Nice read while at work. Thank you! I do enjoy the mental alertness I get in the morning from a pipe. Best way to start the day.
  2. spartan

    Astounding Investigative Reporting With Confidential Corp. Docs on Tobacco

    Great article. I would have liked to taste it with perique and see all the old farts rejoice in their lazy-boys as they welcome back an old friend... but I suppose the DFK version will have to do. It's a shame that there seems little chance of this ever happening though. Not to worry, so much...
  3. spartan

    Manta Ray

    Dude! Great looking pipe. It reminds me more of a Tremor than a Manta Ray though. You remember TREMORS don't you? haha. Edit: The monsters are called Graboids. haha. You made a killer Graboid pipe sir!
  4. spartan

    Smoking is a Sleep Aid?

    A good 45 minute session with SWMBO is the best sleep aid I've found on the market. But it's expensive and not very reliable. A pipe is usually the runner-up.
  5. spartan

    What ?

    Thank you internet.
  6. spartan

    How Can I Re-Hydrate or Moisten Dry Tobacco?

    +1 Slowwideturns I almost do this exact thing, but instead I use a section of sponge and suspend it with a paper towel at the top of the jar.
  7. spartan

    How Can I Re-Hydrate or Moisten Dry Tobacco?

    @CORTEZ You could replace the "lid" with a clean towel. Steam would still fill the empty space and no droplets would be able to fall onto the tobacco.
  8. spartan

    Interesting Tobacco Experience

    Lat to me is like hot sauce. Some drizzle it over their eggs. Others use the entire bottle and now have a spicy egg soup and love it. I nizzle.
  9. spartan

    One Bulk to Stock

    MC5100 Cant get enough.
  10. spartan

    Peterson Dracula 03 Full Bent Apple

    Could never find one with a swirl that I liked. All the good ones got bought quick and in a hurry.
  11. spartan

    Why do all McClelland's Blends Smell Like Ketchup?Catsup?

    I love the ketsup smell on the tobacco. Just kinda works. Does not translate to the smoke. P.S. Honey mustard is crazy good on fires. BBQ, Honey, Ketsup(with a lot of pepper), tartar sauce, I can't think of anything else... but potatoes go with damn near everything.
  12. spartan

    What to Do?

    There's tons of info all around this site, just gotta keep poking around because there's so much of it and it's best to bookmark something you find interesting so you can call upon it at a later date. The search function is a bit wonky but we still are able to find stuff! The first link is to a...
  13. spartan

    Favorite Bourbon Whiskey?

    I like to try new things. Went on a camping trip and brought a bottle of Jim Beam Honey. It was delicious. Definitely a drink for someone looking for some honey'd sweetness. It's really nice. Nice enough to always keep it around now.
  14. spartan

    Pipe And Tobacco Pouch "?"

    Industrial food grade mega plastic! If such a thing existed... it should line a tobacco pouch. I think most simple folk like myself just put it inside a zip-lock baggie and THEN throw it into a pouch. Pretty simple. Throw the baggie away when you're done with it.
  15. spartan

    My Smoking Spot for Today

    Humble brag. Nice spot. I hope you stepped in bear poop on your way to work. lol
  16. spartan

    Extended Vacation

    Ya, say that after they've turned you into Inspector Gadget. Best wishes on the surgery.
  17. spartan

    Why, Yes I Am: Presbyterian Mixture

    It's a solid blend. Not sure of the strength in the N dept. but I'd say if you like nightcap that this would hit some of those cords. Again, no idea of the vitamin N in it compared to nightcap. But to me they're both middle of the road blends. To me.
  18. spartan

    Lawyer Brilliantly Bites Township (A Must Read)

    This is a perfect response from a lawyer representing his client who was contacted by the Township of West Orange, N.J. to shut down a site he owned called Here's a link to the article. Light a pipe, it'll be worth it...
  19. spartan

    Pipe Smoking Wallpapers

    Wallpaper.... hmmm. :-)