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  1. spartan

    Will Retry This Inquiry

    This is a strange problem to have... I cannot help you. You're telling me that you cannot locate the draft hole even when shining a light through the bowl and looking at the shank for a glimmer of light?
  2. spartan

    Ben Szpaichler "Uberam3rica" On Radio Show Tonight: Wed

    It was a great show and you did smashing Ben. Thanks for representing. Better get on that baking endeavor. You've been talking about that for a while I thought you'd be a master at French bread baker by now. :clap:
  3. spartan

    Ben Szpaichler "Uberam3rica" On Radio Show Tonight: Wed

    Oh dear. I hope you studied for this Ben. You better be one articulate mofo. Break a leg pipe!
  4. spartan Sale is Great!!

    From what I've seen Russ posting lately on how impressive the new facility is... I'm hoping for a lean mean tobacco machine here in the near future where they never run out of stock on anything ever again. Haha. :puffy:
  5. spartan

    Stonehaven and Pezance???

    It's hard to find because the people that make it won't amp up production. *le sigh* I'm not going to put in the extra effort in something uncertain. Call me Party Pooper.
  6. spartan

    I Dislike Lane 1Q. Anyone Else?

    I smoke it only as a courtesy to non smokers when I am forced to smoke amongst them.
  7. spartan

    I Didn't Realize I Was A Snob, But I Am . . .

    From litterbugs, to "evil cigarettes", to parenting, to fines, to prison, to earth healthy solutions, to government spending. Thanks for the ride gents. It's been real.
  8. spartan

    I Didn't Realize I Was A Snob, But I Am . . .

    My wife still thinks it's okay to Facebook while we're visiting family. I had to sit her down and tell her that it's extremely rude to multitask while someone (especially your elder) is trying to hold a conversation with you. Kids these days... haha. It's just people being oblivious and not...
  9. spartan

    Pipes at the Renaissance Festival

    Never been to one of these. Kinda want to go in a space suit and see what they do. :) I'd love to see some of your leather work with your "better ideas" as soon as it's presentable. Always cool to see stuff that members make themselves.
  10. spartan

    After Work...

    I get off at 4... so 5 more hours until I can unwind with a pipe. And then start doing house chores while jamming out simultaneously. I can't imagine doing work around the house without some sort of music blasting. 8)
  11. spartan

    New Box Pass Thread

    I just finished my 2 bowl sample of Balkan Sasieni this morning and holy shit I love this stuff. And it's $7 for 50g. I'm all aboard. Thanks again for letting me be a part of the box pass! It's given me a chance to discover some real gems. I've also taken the liberty of taking my name off...
  12. spartan

    The Smokindragon Custom Cob Rises Again

    Very cool. I still haven't had the chance to see any of his pipes on pipes and cigars or smoking pipes. I have a soft spot for the look he brings to the classic cob but still don't own one yet. #noexcuses The hash tagging out of twitter is still funny to me. :-)
  13. spartan

    Last Tobacco Order for A While...I Think.

    I'd kill to find a cheeseburger that wasn't made with the crappiest cheese known to man. Never could stomach "American cheese".
  14. spartan

    Last Tobacco Order for A While...I Think.

    I've got a long way to go. From your haul, I've only tried Jackknife plug and 1Q haha. Of what's pictured what is your current fav?
  15. spartan

    Almost Killed by a Tin of Tobacco?!

    Good story. Order another tin. Let it swell. Capture the opening. :) Sorry you didn't get any battle wounds to tell the kids about. Could have gotten a beastly scar across the flesh above and below your eye and just walk around like a badass...until you tell the story of how you got it...
  16. spartan

    Kashmir, What Did You Start ????? (Pic Heavy)

    Why does it look like the stem is covered with fur? She cleaned up nicely. Light her up!
  17. spartan


    The next churchwarden I get will have to have a regular sized bowl. I got a nice Peterson Racing Green Churchwarden but the bowl is really small and it gets really hot. I still love to smoke it though. :)
  18. spartan

    Enjoying Some Semois at the Moment

    Is this the stuff that is made into gold bricks? I think Kevin might have linked to an article months and months ago... Seems familiar now. Edit: Found it. Not the same thing I was thinking of. But a good read.
  19. spartan

    Enjoying Some Semois at the Moment

    Interesting leaf. Are there any blends available in the U.S. That it is in? Flcl ftw! :-)
  20. spartan

    Latest Rad Davis Commission - Double Mahogany Blast Apple

    You can't go wrong with a sand blasted billiard! Ridiculously nice!