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  1. S

    Does Age Give a Pipe $ Value?

    It is amazing. A very strange experience for me too because I never understood peoples intrredt In antiques before now but I get it now. There is so much mystery in it. Where was this pipe in the world wars for example? The value really dont matter. Im getting my enjoyment out of it and I only...
  2. S

    Does Age Give a Pipe $ Value?

    Ive purchased an estate pipe, a Bewlay which is stamped 1921 in the silver marks. Ive found out a little. Bewlay were popular and bought out by Imperial tobacco so they must have been significant. Does the fact this pipe is nearly 100 years old make it valuable? Collection value is high for me...
  3. S

    Cleaned Up an Old Pipe and It Tasted Horrible!!!!

    One of the two petes I bought yesterday was like that. Real nasty taste even after cleaning all the conventional methods. I soaked the stem in Milton baby bottle sterilising fluid. Worked a treat.
  4. S

    Cheap n Nasty to a Good Little Smoker!

    Lol ghost! Six weeks ago I was online buying cigars and I had a inexplicable urge for pipe baki! Now I already own 12 smokers, 2 cobs, 2 peterson's having a salt treatment as I type and at least 15 eBay bargain estates en route lol! I'm hooked mate
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    Cheap n Nasty to a Good Little Smoker!

    Hmm my first thought is maybe they're so stuck in their ways they can't see logic. Just a guess. It made perfect sense to me logically and 100% , in my mind, point proven when I lit her up. And I had a very thoughtful smoke too. I kept in mind while smoking it not to be bias because it was my...
  6. S

    Taking Care of a Meerschaum

    I have an eBay estate meer purchase that should turn up any day. My first one. Thanks for the links rothnh
  7. S

    Drum Corps or Marching Bands.

    So being as the majority of members are American and this site is directed to the states, are there any drum corps, DCI, DCA fans, members of family of etc etc? Regrettably I never made it over the pond to march but its still on my bucket List to see finals live! Edit:Corrected capitalization...
  8. S

    Cheap n Nasty to a Good Little Smoker!

    Cool thanks for the advice josh. Seems we both tinker about with pipes. I'll keep my eyes peeled to see if u post anything. I'm probably gonna leave the Russification job on this and just sand the coating enough so it can breath
  9. S

    Cheap n Nasty to a Good Little Smoker!

    This little cheap offender is next. Just as soon as I can start up my dremmel! It just gone midnight here don't think the neighbours would be happy. Mind you, I have sand paper!
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    Cheap n Nasty to a Good Little Smoker!

    Hi rothnh. I actually remembered you saying that a couple of weeks back which was part of my exploration. I wanted to see for myself what you were saying. Good advice mate! I have a couple there's that were cheap numbers that are gonna get the same treatment. The whole allowing the pipe to...
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    Your Opinion Requested

    It's definately not your problem. As has been said until you sign for it, it's not your property or responsibility. Did you pay by credit card? My credit card company would sort this problem out for me.
  12. S

    Buy a Dunhill pipe?

    I missed out by £5 on a 7day set on eBay this week. I was sick! 7 1950s white spots for £370. I was "snipped" ? Apparently I was gonna refurb them keep my favourites and sell a couple to get my money back........... WAS lol
  13. S

    Post A Picture Of Your Workbench

    Now I'm jealous! And I was so proud of my little setup I made today :crying: My little dremmel, saw and files with a piece of sideboard screwed to a chest of drawers. Dam you guys! I'm gonna have to spend some pennies now lol
  14. S

    Cheap n Nasty to a Good Little Smoker!

    Thanks. Mien got? Is that German? It's actually a cheaper version of the dremmel called siverline but I'm happy with it and so is my wallet lol it's a whole new experience for me. But as per normal I leaned some god lessons on that little pipe
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    Wearing Of The Kilt

    Nice one josh
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    Cheap n Nasty to a Good Little Smoker!

    The before photo don't show what a cheap looking rustication it was
  17. S

    What Kind of Looks/Reactions do You Get While Smoking in Public? Good or Bad!

    Now you got me thinking Scottish! Me pipe, handlebar and kilt! That'll get the wee urchins looking and laughing!
  18. S

    Wearing Of The Kilt

    Special occasions, and lots in the summer. Well as much as I can afford as I only got the one which was specially made in my family tartan
  19. S

    Pipe Design

    Hi rosney. This is a bit cheeky but if ya don't as y'all never know........ I'm starting out hobby making pipes. If you have any simple designs you'd like to share/trade I'd appreciate it. I'm a compete novice to the extent I've not done woodwork since school at 14!
  20. S

    Cheap n Nasty to a Good Little Smoker!

    It's a tiny little un but sure smokes a beauty!